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  1. Brian Berry

    Android Apps And Privacy Policies

    Well Google has done made me want to be assertive so I'm going to go ahead and rave about privacy for a minute. Today Google Play Store sent me a message saying my app is being rejected because the privacy policy on my website wasn't explicit enough. I've uploaded that app 5+ times without much...
  2. Brian Berry

    CCC TV

    Hello, I'm the developer of CCC TV an app that took 14 years for the technology to become cheap enough for me to build this particular app. Here are some screenshots and a link to it in the google play store. Or you can find it by searching for ccc tv in the play store. Its #1 when searched for...
  3. Brian Berry

    Need Ideas

    I have some objects animating from the bottom of the screen to the top I need to detect when the objects reach the top of the screen. I can detect objects animating from the top of the screen to the bottom by polling the y cooridinate but I can't do the same in the oppisite direction its as...
  4. Brian Berry

    I'm the developer of blackjack.

    This app simulates casino blackjack and gives helpful tips twords improving your blackjack game.
  5. Brian Berry

    Hello all I'm the developer of AtomicKitty.

    I was having a promotion making the app free but that's over now. You could download it now and tell me what you think or wait a couple of months for the next promotion period when the app is free .
  6. Brian Berry

    Completed 2nd game feedback requested

    I recently finished my 2nd Video game written in Kotlin. Its fast smooth and small. I'm not going to spam a link right now but if somebody would like to try the game out and tell me what they think I'll post a link here. I have a promotion going on and the $4.99 game is free for 1 day Nov. 3...
  7. Brian Berry

    R8/Progaurd Advice Please

    I just learned to use R8/Progaurd but I only know 1 rule....could somebody share rules that would be good for me to intially add to the progaur-rules.pro file? Maybe a link to a good rules webpage? -printusage /home/tyme/r8_usage.txt
  8. Brian Berry

    if statement woes

    I can't wrap my head around how to write the following if statement. Some help would be greatly appriciated "if a counter variable has decremented by one then allow" i cou0-- if(cou0 ???){ //cou0 has changed }
  9. Brian Berry


    I created an Android game with Kotlin. I used a lot of global variables I know global variables are usually bad from a security standpoint but since this is a game that I don't really care if somebody cheats or breaks into it do I really need to worry about app security? --calmchess
  10. Brian Berry

    Video Game Only Works On Pixel 3 Device

    I built a video game and it works perfectly on my pixel 3 phone but if I put it on any other phone such as my SamSung Galaxy S7 it crashes. I compile it at min sdk 14 and target sdk 29. I suspect its a hardware issue but I've never seen anything like it here is my gradle configuration. Can...
  11. Brian Berry

    Kotlin UI Object From Class File

    I'm learning Kotlin and its going great but I can't find how to do the following. How do I call a UI object from within a class file? I tried: ImageView (context0).missleright0.setOnClickListener {} But I get a null pointer exception
  12. Brian Berry

    startActivityForResult 3 parameters ?

    I'm using startActivityForResult for the first time I looked it up on the internet but every example I find only shows it having two parameters but when I try it wants the additional parameter Activity. I tried to pass it an activity but it didn't work. Will somebody please help me configure...
  13. Brian Berry

    Intermittent error

    I created a complex game that works fine most of the time but once every 40 or so rounds it will mess up. I'm trying to see if there is a bug so I play the game in the same exact order to recreate the problem but sometimes there is a problem and sometimes there isn't a problem. I've never had a...
  14. Brian Berry

    Positioning Objects

    I have about 100 objects to a game I'm building. I tried to use a constraint layout which worked fine on my pixel 3 phone but was inconsistent on all other phones. So now I'm getting screen resolution and setting X and Y for each object which works great except as you know there are so many...
  15. Brian Berry

    Nested if statement won't work.

    The following nested if statement won't fire. even if I change it to 1==1 it still doesn't work. Can anybody spot the problem? My Log statement "x sum 22" reports the correct value but the nested if statement doesn't if or else its as though it's not there. This is the weirdest thing I've ever...
  16. Brian Berry

    Dynamic Variable Name Request

    I'm developing gaming apps and it has come to my attention that Java and Kotlin don't offer dynamic variable names. I looked it up and it's just not supported by Java or Kotlin. dynamic variable names like var["dynamic id"]="variable value";.......would cut my coding time and code footprint in...