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  1. S

    Isn't it mandatory to download google-services.json file after updating SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys in fi

    I am using Firebase for notification purpose and using Google SSO in my app. Google SSO was working fine with debug and release apk generated from my machine. How ever it was not working in the app downloaded from playstore. Then I went to my Play Consoleaccount and copied SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys...
  2. S

    Apps Is it necessary to show "Location Access" Prompt every time requesting for the location?

    Recently google made it mandatory to show alert message to describe why location access is required, before requesting for location access. This is the link where all the details have been mentioned --...
  3. S

    How to make a flexible playstore app Icon that supports both "Normal Mode" and "Dark Mode"?

    I have recently pushed a React Native app to playstore and used an Icon to represent in playstore.When Dark Mode is enabled my app's playstore Icon's background turns black which makes Icon ugly. Now my doubt is Do I have to use white background for Icon for all the future apps? OR Is there...