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  1. M

    Vim + python in version 4.4

    I Wonder where did i mention "Python Development" rather im talking about using python via vim plugin
  2. M

    Vim + python in version 4.4

    no i merely just want to be able writing source code in vim but for that i need my UltiSnips snippets which require python (whick jack's terminal don't supply ) Is there some solution for running python capable vim in 4.4.4 ?
  3. M

    Vim + python in version 4.4

    hello. I've bought a simple tablet from aliexpress for reading PDF purposes and it works fine. android version is 4.4.4. i installed the known "terminal emulator for android" of Jack Palevich. the version of vim that is installed on the system is vim 7.4. my ultimate goal is to write source code...