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  1. R

    Help Tweetdeck on ICS

    maybe i'm completely missing something, but i can't seem to tag people in tweetdeck posts. i'm using it only for twitter (managing 2 account). simply typing "@username" isn't working, and i see no menu option to add a user. thanks. randy
  2. R

    "all photos" shortcut

    is there an app or method to create a shortcut on the homescreen that will go directly to the "all photos" folder in the gallery? i'm looking for a one-touch method of getting to that gallery view. any advice? thanks. randy
  3. R

    Help New 2750 mAh battery - wipe stats

    so i just got the extended battery for my TB, but the stats it's showing me seem a bit screwy. i'll cut to the chase and ask: is there a non-root way to wipe the battery stat cache? and now if you're interested, here's the story of why it's "a bit screwy". last night when i put it in and...
  4. R

    Help 1X - anyone else?

    my Thunderbolt dropped into 1X signal last night and i haven't been able to get it out. I've tried airplane mode on/off, changing services via LTE on/off app, reboot, battery pull... still stuck in 1X. a friend of mine with a Thunderbolt is having the same issue with the same time frame...
  5. R

    Google CR48 - my rubber is peeling

    i just noticed it about a minute ago. the very corner on the outside of the screen, the bottom right (when the screen is closed) showed a tiny bit of wear. it looked a bit like there was plastic coating that was peeling up, but it turned out to be the rubber. for those who are curious, it is...
  6. R

    ChromeOS / cr 48 forum

    maybe i just didn't look close enough, but there isn't a chromeOS / cr 48 forum on this site and i think it would be useful. i know it's not android, but i think it's apt, and i would think a lot of users here are equally as interested. there are other websites with chrome forums, but i happen...
  7. R

    google talk force close on Moto Droid

    i have run into a problem with my Gtalk on my Droid. i sent someone a link (simple www . com format) and it forced close. now every time i open this person's chat it force closes. i ended the chat, cleared history, forced close from APPLICATIONS, i can't seem to clear the contents of the chat...