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  1. txwolf1980

    Root [ROM] [EC09] Guide to moving to EC09 from any other ROM.

    Tutorial. Moving from another ROM (EC07, EC03, DL17) to EC09 Rooted with busybox This tutorial will Tell you how to move from any ROM to EC09. It will be broken down into 2 sections. 1. How to get Stock EC09 2. How to get DEODEXED EC09 Disclaimer: I am not responsible. This will work...
  2. txwolf1980

    Root [GUIDE] Terms and definitions

    Dealing with another member, over the past few weeks, he mentioned that some of these terms are a little confusing. And there is no real place, that he's found, that really explains all of them. So, I thought I'd give it a whirl. This run down will be from the bootloader up. If anyone more...
  3. txwolf1980

    Root OH CRAP I SCREWED MY PHONE UP!!! Heimdall version.

    The following is a similar recovery guide to my original employing ODIN, but it is for Heimdall users. The difference? Odin is a very clean, simple user interface. But, it can be unreliable on connection (as the last comment on...
  4. txwolf1980

    Root EC07 ROM/MOD/THEME List

    I'm stealing this format directly from one of our MOD's, EarlyMon. It's so good, I decided to risk plagerism and copy it verbatim. This is an round-up of roms and themes I've found useful for our phone. If you're new to rooting and need to know where to begin, see...
  5. txwolf1980

    Root [THEME] [EC07] Ciscogee's list

    [11/13][THEMES][WIP][ICS] Ciscogee's Ported themes - xda-developers This is a link to Ciscogee's ported themes. They are CWM flashables, and can be flashed over any of the Trailblazer mods, except the return to call hack. That one, do at your own risk. He notes that they are still in...
  6. txwolf1980

    Root [theme] [ec07] trailblazer mods

    [10/28][EC07][Trailblazer101] Themes, Mods, More! - xda-developers This is a list of Trailblazer's themes. Yes, he's very good, and very busy. It has just about all of his work in one place, with links to the individual mods. NOTES: On the camera mod, I've noticed that it will shut your...
  7. txwolf1980

    Root [Kernel] [EC07] IMNUTS hacked kernel

    [EC07][KERNEL] Hacked Stock Kernel - xda-developers This is a link to IMNUTS hacked kernel. This kernel provides (depending on which kernel you choose from the page) 3 options, as well as a link to the stock kernel, in case you ever want to revert. It is also the kernel used by Pattielipp...
  8. txwolf1980

    Root [ROM] {EC07] Nuckin

    [EC07] Nuckin ROM - xda-developers This is a link to Nuckin's EC07 ROM. It is based off of EC07 Clean. The major difference is that it has been made 'cleaner' by the removal of more unnecessary apps. While not as popular as Miunia, or Clean, it is still a good rom, with very few tweaks beyond...
  9. txwolf1980

    Root [ROM] [EC07] Miunia

    Miunia Beta-4 [EC07 ROM](Current Release: Beta-4stable) - xda-developers This is a link to the page for Pattielipp's Miunia ROM. He advises that you install this rom from a clean froyo install. To do so, follow the instructions on this thread...
  10. txwolf1980

    Root [GUIDE] Changing the text color in notifications pull down

    This Guide assumes you have SDK and JDK installed on your computer. If not, visit this thread for an excellent guide on how to install it and get going. http://androidforums.com/faqs/443072-adb-guide-updated-12-05-2011-a.html WHAT YOU'LL NEED. 1. APK Manager found here: APK Manager Ver...
  11. txwolf1980

    Root UNROOT guide

    This guide instructs on how to UNROOT your phone, manually (not using S1C or Z4, or a similar program). First, the files you will need. 1. Samsung drivers Samsung 2.. Odin http://dl.dropbox.com/u/30171389/Odin3epicv1.3.rar 3. Stock 2.1 image...
  12. txwolf1980

    Root Removing stock (system) apps guide

    This guide will tell you how to remove system apps. NOTE: System apps should be removed with caution. The wrong app, or service removed and it could cause chaos. 1. Before you remove any apps, always have a good nandroid back up. If you aren't sure how to do that, go here...
  13. txwolf1980

    Root How to create a nandroid backup using CWM guide

    This guide will instruct on how to create a nandroid using cwm a couple of things first: 1. Nandroid simply backs up system and data. it does NOT back up your kernel or modem. 2. For the reasons in note 1, you can only recover to a nandroid on the same build as the one you are on (EC07 -...
  14. txwolf1980

    Root [GUIDE] Rooting your phone via a ROM

    I'm bringing this guide over from another forum. First off, This guide will instruct on rooting by flashing a new ROM. If you are interested in simply rooting your phone, while staying with the stock rom, please visit this tutorial. How To Root Samsung Continuum with SuperOneClick Now...
  15. txwolf1980

    Root OH CRAP I SCREWED MY PHONE UP!!! recovery guide.

    EDIT: Due to a couple of instances of people being bricked using this guide, either by a failed odin connection, or by inadvertently unplugging themselves too soon, I am editing the step 6 "6. make sure repartition, autoreboot, and f.reset are all checked." to "Make sure repartition is UNCHECKED...
  16. txwolf1980

    Root 2.2 ROM I found.

    Found a modded 2.2.1 rom that a dev made up for the continuum. ANd he didn't even break the ticker with it, as far as I can tell. Just installed it earlier today. It was my first root, and I didn't have any problems with it at all following his instructions. Very quick, and so far, very stable...