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  1. G

    Help I can't disable stock SMS notification

    So I installed handcent SMS and disabled notifications from the stock HTC messaging app but I still get double notifications. Anyone else experiencing this bug? :confused:
  2. G

    Root Anyone finding it impossible to use any AOSP rom?

    I can't seem to use ANY aosp Rom because they all end up being unusable after a couple of hours. They load fine and work incredible fast for a couple of hours but then out no where they make phone unresponsive. It's almost like the CPU slows down to a dramatic crawl. Only way to fix is to do a...
  3. G

    FYI...Modded Swype with Microphone button

    The boys at XDA created a working Swype skin with microphone voice to text button. I am not sure if I can post the link but a simple search in the XDA forum should find it. Look for in the in EVO subforum. Although it was meant for the EVO it works great on the Incredible!!! Remember to...