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Search results

  1. HTTR

    Verizon Email No Spam Folder

    I am using the stock Verizon email program (through Yahoo) that came on the Note2. I cannot get that email program to show the spam folder. It is just not there when you search all folders. I hav read that because they use a POP format it will not populate the spam folder. No idea if that is...
  2. HTTR

    Root [Verizon] Crappy battery post update

    Got a Verizon update Thursday. After it pushed the battery life seems MUCH less impressive. Had anyone else seen this? Thanks, frustrating as hell as the battery life to this point had been great. Sent from my Samsung Note 2 using Tapatalk
  3. HTTR

    Best Buy $199 and $ 50 Card for Note II

    Pretty good deal if you are up for a renewal. Best Buy has the Note for $199 and a $50 Best Buy card. All you need to do is sign up online by tomorrow and the voucher is good for a year. Bascially get the Note II for $150 with two year deal. Best Buy: Making Technology Work for You -----...
  4. HTTR

    Cannot delete some pics from gallery?

    I have some pictures (old) in the gallery that for some reason I cannot delete? Most of the time when you click on a picture you have a trash can up top to remove, but for some reason these do not. Some seem to be from facebook, others are old from prior phone Ithink. No option to delete...
  5. HTTR

    Camera sharing choices..can you customize

    Is there a way to choose your options for how to share a photo? I tried to hit the share button to post a picture directly to Facebook, but there is no choice for Facebook. Any thoughts on how to change or add? Can you customize share choices? Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  6. HTTR

    Help Stock Browser Question

    I have decided to try and go almost 100% stock on the phone to see how it runs. That means no more Dolphin or Boat Browser and will try the stock browser. One thing that I cannot figure out is how to have the browser open up with the favorites page. It opens to a blank page. Is this possible...
  7. HTTR

    Developer option questions

    Can anyone shed some light on what these do and what the optimal settings are. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  8. HTTR

    Time to move on, thanks for all the support

    My contract is ending on Saturday and I had narrowed the new phone choices down to the s3 and the Note 2. I think the Note2 will be my new phone. I checked out the Maxx HD, nice, but no quad core and unlike a lot of folks, I like the larger size of the Note2. Thanks for all the support and...
  9. HTTR

    Need a weather app/widget that tracks location

    For some reason my weather app(s) are no longer tracking my location as I travel and they are diverting back to my home address??? I have messed with so many geo settings trying to figure this out. Does anyone have an app/widget that will track and follow weather AND how to set this up? I...
  10. HTTR

    Portable charger..thoughts on this one

    My wife picked this up from verizon online with coupon, $25. I am trying to figure out the size..here is what I have: Built in.....1820/1860mAh Input 25v Output 25v....500 mAh Pretty nice design and compact and for the price may be good to have in a pinch. Anyone have experience with this thing?
  11. HTTR

    Blank widgets

    I am running nova launcher, but also noticed this with go. I can add widgets but the screen to add them is missing the widget name. Kind of a pain in the rear. Picture below. Is there a launcher that will work with ics other than stock?
  12. HTTR

    Contact group emails

    I am running you mail for voice and the stock email program (or enahnced). I have a couple email groups that I have set up in yahoo. I cannot get the email program to find that group to send an email. There has to be a way around this. Any thoughts? Thanks ***edit** I found a work around...
  13. HTTR

    Launcher, stock/other.battery and performance

    Was a faithful Go Launcher person until ICS. I have tried Launcher Pro, ADW and preferred Go to all of them. Figrued I would try running stock. It runs fine, I do miss some of the tweaks in Go. My question is, I deleted Go and have been running stock ICS launcher, I think that battery may be...
  14. HTTR

    Email notifications

    I have tried stock and Enhanced Email, but get no email (new email) notifications in the task bar. Any idea if there is a work around? I saw on some other devices that it was tied into gmail...not sure
  15. HTTR

    Root Root..look and let me know

    Is it really this easy? http://www.theandroidsoul.com/root-motorola-droid-razr/ I plan to run stock ROM, but debloated and rooted. If I wait for ICS, can I just run this and stock ICS? Thanks, a little apprehensive since I don't have Odin to fall back on.
  16. HTTR

    Quad scores (stock). Is root that much faster?

    My RAZR is sadly still stock, runs fine no issues. I know that quad scores can mean nothing, but they are at least usually pretty comparable on the same device (mine). I routinely get quads of 2400-2500+. How much faster are the speeds on rooted devices? Just curious. I know with my...
  17. HTTR

    Stock browser

    Not sure why, my stock browser is really slow. Boat browser is so fast. Any reason why the stock would drag and another is so fast?
  18. HTTR

    Help Group email

    Is there a way to set up a group email that actually works? I have tried everything.
  19. HTTR

    Google voice

    I have been using Google Voice mail application on my other devices. I like to be able to see the message without calling the voice mail. With the Razr is there a conflict with visual voice mail? I cannot seem to get the google voice mail to recognize new messages. Thanks in advance
  20. HTTR

    Best Apps for the Razr

    Hey folks, As I am still kind of new to the device I am always searching for the best apps and new stuff that people have used and enjoy. I did not see this posted, if so I apologize. Maybe we can just keep a list of apps that seem to play well with the device based on first hand user...
  21. HTTR

    Droid RAZR users receiving Soak Test invitations

    Interesting....anyone get this? Per the article, probably not for ICS, but who knows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Droid RAZR users receiving Soak Test invitations, not ICS Earlier this month we told you how Motorola had begun...
  22. HTTR

    Help Soft keys not lighting

    Just noticed that my soft keys are not illuminating. I have looked in settings and cannot find a way to adjust this. Any thoughts? ####edit ## Power off and on a couple times seemed to fix.the problem.
  23. HTTR

    Next ota release date?

    Any word or ideas on when the next update will be out? Not sure how often they come out.
  24. HTTR

    Help Odd error message

    When I boot my phone, I get an error message (about 4-5 times) that pops up on the screen. It say "com.motorolla.home has unexpectedly stopped". I have no idea what this is clising down. I am running Go Launcher as a launcher, could this be the stock launcher fighting with Go Launcher? Thanks
  25. HTTR

    Root Root

    I made it a week and now I need to get this thing rooted. I have researched and am reading all of the guides. Is it as easy as the below? Other devices that I have rooted were much more difficult. If this roots the device, just wipe and then flash a ROM along with gaps? Will the rooting...