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  1. Android News

    Uber just fired the person that Google is accusing of stealing self-driving car secrets

    Uber was recently sued over claims that one of their executives had left Google and took a lot of self-driving car secrets with them. While the lawsuit is still ongoing, today it has been reported that Uber has just fired this person (Anthony Levandowski).
  2. Android News

    Google says Uber created a fake company so they could steal its self-driving car secrets

    Google has been going back and forth with Uber recently with claims that they stole self-driving car secrets from the Mountain View tech giant. The latest information here has Google alleging that Uber actually created a fake company so they could siphon those secrets from them.
  3. Android News

    Alphabet’s Q1 financial report is out, Google brought in $5.42 billion in profit

    Alphabet has published their Q1 financial report and things are looking good for the company with its stock price reaching new highs. Revenue for Google was up 22% compared to last year at $24.75 billion with a net profit of $5.42 billion for the quarter.
  4. Android News

    Alphabet asks 10,000 volunteers to wear their smartwatch so they can collect your health data

    Alphabet's Verily division recently announced a wearable that it will use to collect heath data in an attempt to warn you of an undiagnosed illness. The company has just announced a new study they will conduct that will have volunteers use the wearable for certain period of time and also have...
  5. Android News

    Alphabet officially announces its research-focused health watch from Verily

    Back in September it was reported that Alphabet's Verily division was working on a smartwatch, but that it would be used for medical research. Today, we see the device has been announced and that it will track health data such as heart rate, electrodermal activity and body movement.
  6. Android News

    The Gcam from Google X is why the Google Pixel's camera is so good

    Google X research projects don't always pan out the way they planned, but sometimes the developed technology is actually used in something completely different. This is where the Gcam comes into play as the computational photography project that now powers the acclaimed Google Pixel camera.
  7. Android News

    Alphabet's new vice president for public policy will help with self-driving regulations

    Tekedra Mawakana used to lead eBay's government relations division, was Yahoo's deputy general counsel and even a key policy official at AOL. Now, she has been hired by Alphabet to deal with the regulation business of the company's self-driving division.
  8. Android News

    Niantic talks about Pokemon Go Ingress at MWC 2017

    Representatives from Niantic are at MWC this year and they are talking about both Pokemon Go as well as Ingress. Along with talking about future updates, we learned that Pokemon Go players have captured 88 million Pokemon, they've used 44 petabytes of mobile data, and that the company is working...
  9. Android News

    Uber says that Waymo’s lawsuit against them is baseless

    Google's Waymo division recently filed a lawsuit against Uber claiming an employee stole 14,000 documents from them. Uber has released a statement about the case and believes their claims are baseless.
  10. Android News

    Alphabet claims Uber has stolen their self-driving car secrets, files a lawsuit

    Google isn't the only company working on self-driving cars right now, as the popular ride sharing service Uber is also working on it too. A new lawsuit claims Anthony Levandowski, an engineer who left Google and became a top executive at Uber, stole 14,000 highly confidential documents before...
  11. Android News

    Alphabet is changing their strategy for Project Loon

    We've been seeing a number of Alphabet's moonshots change their strategy lately and Project Loon is the latest. They used to want to blanket the earth in internet access, but now it looks like they will let their balloons form in clusters to target specific areas instead.
  12. Android News

    Planet is acquiring Alphabet's Terra Bella satellite imaging business

    Alphabet has been investing in satellite imaging technology ever since they got the idea for Google Maps. Terra Bella was the result of a moonshot idea from Alphabet in 2015, but is now being sold to a company called Planet. It's also being reported that Planet will be hiring ~80 Alphabet...
  13. Android News

    Google's co-founder joined immigration order protests in San Francisco

    Sergey Brin joined hundreds of protesters at San Franciso International Airport to protest President Trump’s immigration order. While Brin is president of Alphabet (Google's parent company), he attended the protest “in a personal capacity.” The only comment shared by Sergey Brin was “I’m here...
  14. Android News

    Alphabet publshes their financial report for Q4 2016, loses $1 billion on moon shots

    Major tech companies are publishing their financial reports today and Alphabet is one of them. We learn that they lost $1 billion from their moon shot projects, but saw revenue jump 22% up to $26 billion during the fourth quarter of last year.
  15. Android News

    Google is investing $1.5 million in an attempt to make robots learn more like babies

    Teaching robots are a difficult thing to do, but programming a way that enables them to learn could make things progress faster. Google has announced they're investing $1.5 million to try and make robots learn like a human baby does.
  16. Android News

    Yoky Matsuoka comes back to Alphabet and is working under the Nest umbrella

    Google X co-founder, Yoky Matsuoka, left the company to go and work at Apple for a bit. She is back at Alphabet now though, and is currently working for the Nest division.
  17. Android News

    Optos partners with Verily to develop advanced screening for diabetic eye disease

    Verily is a subsidiary of Alphabet, and Optos is a subsidiary of Nikon. Both of these companies have just announced a partnership so they can work on developing advanced screening for diabetic eye disease (which will help diagnose diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema).
  18. Android News

    Honda says they've entered into talks with Alphabet to use their self-driving car technology

    Car manufacturers have the choice of developing their own self-driving car tech, or licensing it from someplace else. It seems Honda is interested in using Alphabet's tech as the two companies have started negotiating a deal.
  19. Android News

    Google gives us a look at the new Waymo Chrysler minivans

    The new Waymo Chrysler minivans have been delivered to Alphabet and are being equipped with the necessary sensors. Now that the minivans have been manufactured, the company has released a few images showing off the design.
  20. Android News

    Google's self-driving car project spins out as its own company

    The self-driving car project underway at Google and Alphabet is being advanced in a structural way today. TechCrunch reports that Google is spinning the project off into its own company called Waymo. The company will operate as an independent company under the Alphabet umbrella.
  21. Android News

    Alphabet's Sidewalk Labs may create its own "urban district from the internet up"

    CEO of Sidewalk Labs announced that the company is looking to create a competition between different cities to increase awareness and help create a new "internet city".
  22. Android News

    Google's DeepMind will help alert UK doctors if a patient has a kidney injury

    Alphabet has just announced they've signed a 5 year deal with the UK’s Royal Free London NHS (National Health Service) Foundation Trust. They will be using an app from the company's DeepMind project that will alert UK doctors if a patient has a kidney injury.
  23. Android News

    Alphabet publishes its Q3 2016 financial report, surpasses $5 billion in profit

    Alphabet, the parent company of Google, has just published their financial report with new highs surpassing $5 billion in profit. Overall, they brought in $22.4 billion in revenue, which is 20% more than the same quarter last year.
  24. Android News

    Google Access will pause potential Fiber cities, announces layoffs, and focuses on new tech

    The CEO of Google Access just confirmed he is stepping down as CEO of the company, but also reveals some additional details. The company has paused development of "potential Fiber cities," will be laying off some of its staff, and wants to enhance their focus on new technology and deployment...
  25. Android News

    The Google Access CEO is reportedly leaving the company soon

    Google Access is the division that Google Fiber is from, and a new report talks about executive changes that are coming soon. If true, the CEO Craig Barratt will be departing either just the company, or Alphabet entirely.