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charging issue

  1. R

    Not really new but not charging

    This time it"s the Moto G Plus. It had been doing fine but when I plugged it up, it didn't. I've tried the usual, checking the connections and using different cords. I shut it off for now.
  2. P

    Solutions to USB, Fingerprint problems with S9+

    I've had my phone for just over 2 years and its starting to fritz.. The fingerprint scanner's coating started to peel. I had to delete and re-scan my print to get it functional again, but in the end what I did is gently rub it with a cotton cloth [ handkerchief ] and removed the remaining...
  3. K

    Battery Life Question

    Well I've finally after 2 years had my first faulty battery. Had no clue why my Otter Box wouldn't fit for over a month. I just assumed I tore the clue part when I removed the Otter Box a month back. Anyways finally decided to Google and found out it was most likely caused by a bad swollen...