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  1. C

    question – SMSs, full date, apps

    Hi I wonder whether anyone could help Android 13’s SMS messages don’t display the full date (day, month, year –- any format would be fine) WhatsApp for Android. Same problem. All we get, is “Yesterday”, or “Monday”, etc etc. In Android, is there a free third party app (for SMSs) that...
  2. E

    System apps 1969 installed??

    so the other system apps say installed in 2008 but this list on the bottom is 1969 and my ex wife is an IT specialist who used her skills to clone my phone and hack it before in the past I can't delete any of these apps or even look into them and can't disable any permissions what do I do?
  3. M

    Trying to get the difference between two date/times

    So I've created two difference date objects I save them to my shared preferences and recall them later to find the difference in the two. However, since these are saved as strings, and converting them to integers doesnt work because of the format, how can I go about finding the difference?
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