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  1. Android News

    Android crashes more often than iOS, report says

    A new report from Blancco aims to show which devices crash most often. The report showed Androids crashed more often, with 44% of the phones in their testing being Android. This is opposed to the 25% that the iPhone accounted for. Of the Android phones which crashed, the Samsung Galaxy S6 and...
  2. A

    Help Android ios

    Can i run on Android ios app? There is some emulator, or app like that, Who can run ios app on Android?
  3. Android News

    For the first time ever, Android supports more emoji than iOS

    With the 2nd Developer Preview of Android N available, Google decided throw in some new emoji from Unicode 9.0. With this update, this put Android ahead of iOS in terms of the number of emoji with 953, while iOS is still on Unicode 8.0 with 879 emoji.
  4. Android News

    A new startup called Projector wants to use machine learning to make notifications useful

    As we become more connected with the mobile world, we're bound to start using more and more applications that send notifications our way. This can get out of hand very quickly and Projector wants to help. They want to be an intermediary service between your apps and the push notification...
  5. Android News

    Android has nearly 60% market share in the US and 75% in the EU

    Kantar has released their latest report showing smartphone sales figures for the world. Android phones were responsible for 58% of the phones sold in the US. Over in EU and China, they're sitting around the 75% mark and handily beating Apple.
  6. Android News

    Samsung Gear S2 may get iOS support later this month

    The Samsung Gear S2 was confirmed to be getting iOS support at CES this past January, but the company didn't give any expectation on when we could see it arrive. The company is supposedly now communicating that it will happen with an update starting later this month.
  7. Android News

    Google will switch Googlebot from iOS 8.3 to Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow next month

    Googlebot is what Google uses to crawl as many websites across the internet as possible. For a while now, Googlebot has been identified by websites as an iOS 8.3 device. Starting next month though, it will be identified as a Nexus 5X running Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow.
  8. Android News

    A hacker could extract crypto keys from some Android and iOS devices using a $2 magnetic probe

    Researchers found a non-invasive way to extract the cryptographic keys used to protect Bitcoin wallets, Apple Pay accounts, and other high-value assets. All it takes is a $2 magnetic probe held next to the device, or an improvised USB adapter connected to the phone's USB cable, and a USB sound...
  9. Android News

    New study says user error to blame for most smartphone problems

    New study suggests that 85% of performance issues found on mobile devices were running Android, while the other 15% goes to iOS. Of the top Android brands, Samsung led the charge with 27%, Lenovo at 21%, Motorola at 18%, and Xiaomi and ASUS both at 5%. Performance issues caused by phones were...
  10. Android News

    Apple refuses to comply with judges' order to create iOS backdoor

    In a public letter to its clients, Apple has officially refused the government's request to disable security features on a specific handset which would require the creation of a backdoor for iOS. A judge recently issues an order to Apple to disable certain security measures o na phone which is...
  11. Android News

    Here is how to enable Twitter’s new “Best Tweets” feature

    Chris from Phandroid walks you through how to turn on the controversial Best Tweets feature that Twitter just launched. The walk through shows you how it is done on iOS, Android and the web.
  12. Android News

    Google paid Apple $1 billion to be the iPhone's default search engine

    In 2014, Google paid Apple $1 Billion to be the default search engine on iOS. It wasn't a flat fee, but a percentage of revenue - reportedly set at 34% - meaning Google's take from the deal was roughly $2 Billion.
  13. Android News

    California also wants to ban sale of encrypted smartphones

    New York started the trend, and now everyone is sure to follow. Lawmakers have proposed a bill that would ban the sale of smartphones that can't be decrypted by the companies who make them, including Apple's iOS and Google's Android.
  14. Android News

    Mobile platform showdown: iPhone 6s Plus vs. Lumia 950 XL vs. Galaxy Note5

    GSM Arena takes one top smartphone from each of the three major mobile platforms and does a comparison review of the display, performance, camera, battery life and audio quality.
  15. Android News

    Apple Denies That it is Developing a Tool to Help iOS Users Switch to Android

    This weekend there was a report from the Telegraph that claimed Apple had privately agreed to create a tool to help iOS users switch to Android. It was said that mobile carriers were pressuring Apple to create such a tool and that Apple had reluctantly agreed to it. Well, it seems as though...
  16. Android News

    Android was king in USA and Europe for October, iOS took China

    New numbers from Kantar are out, and they show how Android and iOS did in the month of October. Android had the ead in the US and Europe, but iOS seems to have dominated the more plentiful market known as China.
  17. Android News

    Android and iOS Reportedly Dominate 98% of the Smartphone Market

    Gartner has just published their analysis of the smartphone market for the 3rd quarter of 2015 and it shows growth of both Android and iOS to 98% of the market. Android was at 83.3% of the market in Q3 of 2014 but grew to 84.7% this year. iOS also grew from 12.5% last year to 13.1% this year...
  18. Android News

    Samsung Gear S2 could get iOS support later this year

    Samsung is reportedly planning a Gear S2 update that would enable functionality for iOS users. Kinky.
  19. Android News

    Study finds Android apps are actually safer than iOS apps

    36 percent of Android apps were found to have “potentially catastrophic vulnerabilities for system stability and data protection,” that figure rose to 40 percent on iOS.
  20. Android News

    User Data is Being Plundering by Android and iOS

    Apps in both Google Play and the Apple App Store frequently send users' highly personal information to third parties, often with little or no notice, according to recently published research that studied 110 apps. On average, Android apps sent potentially sensitive data to 3.1 third-party...