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sony tablet s

  1. rossmcm

    [SOLVED] Moved apps to external SD card, all gone.

    I needed to free up some storage on the Tablet S so I thought I would try moving some apps to the 32Gb external SD card. I moved a group of the largest apps (Angry Birds, etc), and now when I try to start them it says "App isn't installed". The icons are still there, but the apps aren't...
  2. F

    does your tab drop the page suddenly

    I can be on a forum or otherwise browsing and scrolling down and theres just a white screen, then it suddenly goes to the black screen with icons (sorry, dont know all the terminologies here). this can happen with 2 different wifi connections. when playing online billiards sometimes I will lose...
  3. Y

    Help My Sony Tablet S wont start only loading

    Can anyone help me fix my Tablet it just wont start again i turn it off because its a little slow then it wont start again.... Please help me
  4. G

    Android upgrade on Sony tablet s

    Hi folks, I am running the Sony tablet s with the standard android 404 ics. Can anyone suggest if I can upgrade to later version of android? Can I perhaps boot via SD card ? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
  5. C

    Help Crashing: Updated to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

    Just updated to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and everything was fine....then almost all my apps crashed then my screen froze. I figured it was a regular freeze up and clicked the power button. It didn't work so I pressed it down and it powered down as usual. Now...it isn't powering up...
  6. P

    Jelly Bean Update for Sony Tablet S

    Don't try to shoot me with your shotgun. This post is not about official JB update in Sony Tablet S. It is about unofficial Jelly Bean updating in your tablet. I have tried to help you by this guides which work: 1) Sony Tablet S: Update to the Latest Android 4.1 Firmware with One Click Tool...
  7. D

    Help can't enter the 6-digit on Sony Tablet S

    I've been success on Samsung Galaxy Player a few months ago... but can't enter the 6-digit on Sony Tablet S now..... Anyone can help us????? T^T
  8. R

    Help tethering lg esteem to this tablet

    i need help figuring out how to tether my lg esteem to this tablet
  9. azeem781986

    Help how to update and flash sony tab s noob here

    hi to all dear members M new on this forum.so want to know how to update and flash firmware of sony tab s with pc,one way is to update through wifi to jellybean in settings and about and update option,is there anyother way of flashing the firmware of this tab? like falsher/update tool etc;)...
  10. D

    Help guest mode vanished

    My tablet has the known issue of icons vanishing on reset. Sony is finally acknowledging and says they are working on it. Now, I have another issue. Guest mode has vanished and that icon bar that was moved to the bottom with the last update is now back on the top. The apps that installed...
  11. TAWM

    Help the lights are on but nobodies home?

    I need help. Our tablet went black! It did this the other day, after using it we put it on the dock and the thing wouldn't do anything. It's like its on because the screen has some light but it's all black and nothing works. The light on the side is on but it won't do anything. Last time it did...
  12. Markjones

    Help Group emails

    Does anyone know how to send group emails with gmail or using the people app.
  13. D

    Help Wifi turns Gray

    Sony Tablet S Recently bought - upgrade recently installed First day wifi worked with no problem. Don't have a gmail account so wasn't able to set that information in the tablet. Next day wifi is connected but gray in color when on the first day it was blue in color (even after the upgrade)...
  14. upressplay

    Android Touch and Hold

    I have a wallpaper that I'm making available for download on a Sony Tablet S. Android 4.0.3. The goal is to allow the user to tap and hold, a pop up comes up that allows the user to save the image to their device. The html and css are all creating using jquery appends. This is working on the...
  15. J

    remote - sony tablet S

    Hi I just bought a tablet S, and I am looking for: Software to customise the button AND A software to capture IR code (the standard functionality does not work, therefore I cannot use the tablet as a remote... the tablet does not recognises IR signals from my remote) Juliette
  16. D

    icons vanish on reset

    Since the upgrade last month, every time I reboot all of the icons for apps loaded on the SD card vanish from the home screens. They are still in the main list, but I have to manually put them back onto the home screens each time. Extremely frustrating and a waste of time. I have heard that I...
  17. mrast

    a little help please?

    Could someone put a copy of their system folder up on drop box for me? I was working on a little zip update to make any tablet PS certified while visiting my mom in Florida iim in Utah, and I left my Sony s there and won't get it for awhile. thanks
  18. Y

    USA ICS for UK Tablet S???

    Hi I have just noticed that in the USA Sony seem to have added extras to 4.03 that they have not done in the UK. In particular (for me) they have added macros to the Remote Control app. Any ideas on whether that is destined for the UK too? Pete
  19. A

    just bought tablet! music app?

    So I just bought a tablet s as well as a xperia ion, im switching from a iphone and I was wondering what music app is like itunes. thanks!
  20. A

    Small apps

    Looks like the Xperia Tablet has improved small apps. Most notably that you can make a small app for any widget: Sony Xperia Tablet S Small Apps - YouTube I wonder if we will get this as part of the JB update?
  21. D

    Help transfer from USB to card?

    When I connect external USB flash drive it opens File Transfer. I want to transfer files directly to the SD card but seems I have to transfer to internal memory first, then from internal memory to card? I guess the other way it to remove that card an d plug directly into PC...
  22. vobguy

    Help Disable auto-dim, and other Chumby issues

    After a somewhat painful setup process, I was able to setup my new Tablet S for Chumby , and then set it up so that Chumby fires up when I place it in the stand. I only have (and want) one app in my Chumby app, and that is Facebook photo gallery. It is nice because it automatically pushes new...
  23. R

    Help Gmail sync on Android ICS Sony tablet S

    Hello, I want to stop Gmail sync on my Sony tablet S running the Android ICS. I have tried turning off the account sync off all together but Gmail still syncs when I open it. I want it to stop. Any ideas?
  24. J

    Help Cant get rid of onscreen message.

    Hi. I cannot get rid of a message that says "Unfortunately,Launcher has stopped." Pressing the "ok" just keeps bringing it back on screen. This has happened because i downloaded an update for the ics operating system which popped up and asked if i wanted to update. The update was successful...
  25. S

    Polaris Office?

    I thought I saw Polaris Office as installed software on the Sony S. Can't seem to find it or not even on Google Play. Any tips? Any better apps?