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  1. V

    Searching for a Desktop that could handle Android Studio

    So, I am currently working on a WEAK 8gb ram office computer and it obviously cannot handle Android Studio (running my apps, and opening the emulator, functioning fast is all a struggle) I'm in a search for a new desktop and I don't want to make a mistake so here are some specs I found and I'm...
  2. MrMajorThorburn

    Android Studio: Can I modify the project templates

    I am using Android Studio and would like to modify the project templates so I get the theme and other resource values every time I use those tempates. Is this possible?
  3. A

    Small font

    Hi I am new here and I have been learning how to program with Jetpack Compose lately. My problem is that with the latest update of Android Studio, the text font has been too small to read. Anyone has that problem?
  4. hrcd

    Can't get ImageCapture use case working for CameraX in Android Studio

    Hello. All I'm trying to do is have a simple preview and image capture working. However, I keep getting an error stating this... "androidx.camera.core.ImageCaptureException: Not bound to a valid Camera" I've been trying to get chatGPT to help figure it out but none of it's suggestions seem to...
  5. M

    A bug in a simple code/where is it ?

    I cannot find a bug in the following application for Android Studio. We have a set of players {1,...,n} and a valuation from the set of all subsets to {0,1}. The apllication is supposed to read numbers labeled with binary strings of length n corresponding to coalitions S (1 indicates that this...
  6. W

    Image asset studio has No Legacy tab

    1. Above is the official crop of image asset studio. When you choose "Launcher Icons(Adaptive and Legacy)" as icon Type , there is supposed to be a Legacy tab, however, it didn't show on my studio. Anyone might know why? 2. What would happen if I upload a 512*512 dp image to foreground layer...
  7. M

    Android Studio 3.6.3 extremely slow in debug mode

    I have just upgraded from Android Studio 3.2.1 to 3.6.3 (latest version) and found the debugging mode on Samsung Note 10+ becoming unbearably slow - practically unmanageable. I have also upgraded to the latest Gradle version 5.6.4 with plugin 3.6.3 (hoping that this might fix the problem) but...
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