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  1. A

    [I disabled all alerts] Sony Xperia 5 III XQ-BQ62_61.0.A.15.45 Andoid 11 Root

    I disabled all alerts on my Sony Xperia 5 III XQ-BQ62_61.0.A.15.45 Andoid 11 Root adb reboot disemmcwp < Not sure if this helped, did it anyways. or Temux su reboot disemmcwp I adb disabled the two and then even uninstalled them :/. adb shell pm disable-user --user 0...
  2. Sunstixy

    Can I use ADB on Android TV from Termux ???

    Hi, folks !!! I have both an Android TV and the package android-tools on Termux, which has ADB commands. Can I use Termux for ADB on my Android TV ???
  3. A

    netstat connections.

    Hi I'm trying to learn more about Android OS and how it utilizes connections. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 512GB with Android 10. I'm using the app "termux" to use shell commands, not adb. When I run: $ netstat -a It returns: Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto...
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