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Help 2.1 Update on the Moment?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
I'm a novist with Android platform as well as for touch screens!
So what is it that we can expect with the 2.1 update on the moment?:rolleyes:

1. More home screens?
2. Better Fuctionalities?
3. Animations? at least that what the sprint gut told when i bought the phone?
4. Performance, as wel better app's
5. etc.

I just want to kinda get the sense of what i could expect like some of you are anxiously waiting to get it right now?:thinking: thanks,
It's capacitive touch... the only difference between this and the Hero's screen is that ours is a bit brighter and crisper, albeit having a very slight blue hue. This is just another thing I kind of sigh at... nobody but Sueing Susies run corporations or businesses now; if any issue arises, a lawyer and a multi-million lawsuit ensues. Where are the days when a simple confrontation and conversation solved things? We know you're a greedy fat, greasy slob who's only out to get money and screw everyone else over for your own benefit, but damn. You're not going to GET any benefits if you have nobody supporting your stuff.

I wish some people would wake up and smell the sh#t that they've been throwing at each other blindly for years. Maybe then things would get DONE.
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It's capacitive touch... the only difference between this and the Hero's screen is that ours is a bit brighter and crisper, albeit having a very slight blue hue. This is just another thing I kind of sigh at... nobody but Sueing Susies run corporations or businesses now; if any issue arises, a lawyer and a multi-million lawsuit ensues. Where are the days when a simple confrontation and conversation solved things? We know you're a greedy fat, greasy slob who's only out to get money and screw everyone else over for your own benefit, but damn. You're not going to GET any benefits if you have nobody supporting your stuff.

I wish some people would wake up and smell the sh#t that they've been throwing at each other blindly for years. Maybe then things would get DONE.
Yes corporations dont really care about the consumer (i learned this today from ford's not-so friendly customer service department on the phone)... but capacitive touch doesnt mean multi touch.. i highly doubt it isn't, but we still dont have specification confirmation it is
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albeit having a very slight blue hue

Off topic I know, but I still don't see this. I have looked and looked for a bluish hue, and thankfully mine doesn't seem to have it. The colors are more true on mine than my wife's Hero. When she goes to the market, it is tough to see how many stars something has because the green is so faded.

I'm expecting with the update a little less lag, Google voice search, multitouch, but most importantly for me true CDMA support. I am REALLY hoping that this fixes the screen wake issue when "Use Wireless Networks" is checked in Security and Location. I just want to leave my GPS on and let it activate as needed rather than having to go in the the menu and check those two boxes everytime I need to use it.

My coworker has a Nexus One though with 2.1, and it seems like a lot of the apps won't work on his phone since the OS is so new.
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