Hi guys,
For about two month I've been working on a 2d engine and now it is very close to being finished.
Before releasing the engine itself, I wanted to post a demo here to see that you think about its performance, etc.
In demo you can
- throw bombs by pressing and dragging your aim from the red "X".
- pause by pressing the "search" button.
- open menu with the "menu" button, choose timer or impact bombs.
The engine itself extends a SurfaceView, so to start using it, you'll just need to initialize it and setContentView.
And to add actors, you'll just need to put a PNG drawing, along with an XML file describing its physical parametrs, into the assets folder and add it to the engine with just one line of code.
As for speed and performance, a reasonable size "level" give me 35+ FPS on my Nexus S.
Let me know what you think!
At first I wanted to call it RoboLogic, but now I see that someone already has something under that name in the appstroe. Maybe you could suggest something better?
For about two month I've been working on a 2d engine and now it is very close to being finished.
Before releasing the engine itself, I wanted to post a demo here to see that you think about its performance, etc.
In demo you can
- throw bombs by pressing and dragging your aim from the red "X".
- pause by pressing the "search" button.
- open menu with the "menu" button, choose timer or impact bombs.
The engine itself extends a SurfaceView, so to start using it, you'll just need to initialize it and setContentView.
RoboLogicView roboLogicView = new RoboLogicView(this);
Actor tree = roboLogicView.createActor("tree", 13, 19 );
Let me know what you think!
At first I wanted to call it RoboLogic, but now I see that someone already has something under that name in the appstroe. Maybe you could suggest something better?