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3 months in as a new Tmo customer....


Extreme Android User
So I finally pulled the trigger and swapped the wife and I over to Tmo this past October. I had been waiting for a while and I knew what was at stake for signal. This is a summary of my experience.

Service in my area is what I thought it would be. Great in most spots. Bad in some , not useable in a few. there are a few places that are hard to have a voice call. Thankfully I got the iPhone6 so in my home Wifi Calling is a winner because without it my home has bad coverage. One thing to note is when I had Verizon they also had the same dismal coverage in my home.

Cost: I'm saving 50$ a month compared to what I was paying on Verizon. On Verizon my wife and I was sharing 4gb of data, on Tmo we have unlimited. Self explanatory.

Another reason I wanted to swap to Tmo is because I travel out of the country several times a year. This IS A HUGE DEAL FOR ME. Tmo's international plans are simply THE best. Free Data, Free text messages, and IF i do need to make a call it is super cheap...but with Wifi calling that is not an issue. I was even able to use Skype and FaceTime Audio over the cell data connection and it didn't cost me a dime. I got the bill already. I used it in Japan and it worked great.

Customer Service: N/A I have not had to deal with them so I can't comment on that.

The moral of the story is...ok i'm saving 50$ a month but is it worth considering the trade off on service. In my situation it most definitely is. Glad I swapped. I expect Tmo to continue to grow in the next two years with additional Band 12 rollout and more Band 12 devices coming out as well as the 5ghz range being implemented one day hopefully.

Go Broncos
I also switched from Sprint to T-Mobile in October and am happy too. I was on a SERO plan with Sprint so I'm not saving any money, but the service is much better. Being limited to 50MB of roaming data sucks though. I haven't travelled internationally since switching, but I'm glad to hear that it works well.
yes it is nice getting off the plane, turning my phone on and being able to text and check email at no cost.
Went from Verizon to T-Mobile over a year ago. Wife didn't want to leave Verizon but I just couldn't see paying $180 a month for three phones viable anymore especially when one of those phones was a dumb phone with no data.

With T-Mobile I'm paying $145 a month.. all three phones are smart phones with data... no contracts. Once my three phones are paid off which will be next year, my bill drops to right around $90 a month (I still get T-Mobiles 15% work discount since I'm grandfathered in). With Verizon after two years was up my bill didn't drop so I was basically giving them free money.

I live in a big city so coverage is the same. The *ONLY* thing I miss about Verizon was the towers they have when I travel. I travel out of state to see family every now and then and with Verizon I had 4G data pretty much the entire way. T-Mobile once I leave the city, data is gone until I drive through other bigger cites. But that's 3-5 times a year I travel so it wasn't that big of a gun to keep using Verizon. T-Mobile is catching up also so hopefully by next year they will have the tower support also.

I use wifi mostly at home and work so we have 1 GB per phone. I mainly used 4G date to stream music and when they announced no data usage for music, my monthly data plan for my phone was under 100 meg a month usage lol.

Overall i'm happy with T-Mobile. Hopefully they don't sell or merge with anyone and pass Sprint then AT&T then finally Verizon to be the top mobile carrier.

Oh the wifi calling is huge. At work we have a basement level which no signals get in. I can take calls there while people on other carriers have no signal. My work bought Sprint and Verizon wifi boosters to help out. Don't need one of those with me ;)
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