Download 3gtest from the Android Market and run it with WiFi off. I'm curious whether my experience is unique or not. Verizon appears to block Bittorrent, SSH, RPC, NETBIOS, and SMB.
Here's my log:
NetworkType: MOBILE
GPS location: x, x
Local IP address:
Public IP address:
Local DNS server status: UP
Local DNS lookup latency (ms): 109 Good
Average TCP handshake latency to landmark server (ms): 151 Good
Average HTTP GET latency to landmark servers (ms): 271 Good
DNS lookup to external server allowed?: YES
Signal strength level from 0 (low) to 10 (high): 0 Bad
HTTP caching detection: Error in test
Http Proxy detection: Error in test
Bit torrent uplink traffic: Blocked
Bit torrent downlink traffic: Blocked
Blocked ports for direct access: 22 (SSH) 135 (RPC) 139 (NETBIOS) 445 (SMB)
Allowed ports for direct access: 21 (FTP) 25 (SMTP) 53 (DNS) 110 (POP) 143 (IMAP) 161 (SNMP) 443 (HTTPS) 465 (SMTP SSL) 585 (Secure IMAP) 587 (Auth SMTP) 993 (IMAP SSL) 995 (POP SSL) 5060 (SIP)
TCP downlink bandwidth (kbps): 1708 Good
TCP uplink bandwidth (kbps): 117 Good
Here's my log:
NetworkType: MOBILE
GPS location: x, x
Local IP address:
Public IP address:
Local DNS server status: UP
Local DNS lookup latency (ms): 109 Good
Average TCP handshake latency to landmark server (ms): 151 Good
Average HTTP GET latency to landmark servers (ms): 271 Good
DNS lookup to external server allowed?: YES
Signal strength level from 0 (low) to 10 (high): 0 Bad
HTTP caching detection: Error in test
Http Proxy detection: Error in test
Bit torrent uplink traffic: Blocked
Bit torrent downlink traffic: Blocked
Blocked ports for direct access: 22 (SSH) 135 (RPC) 139 (NETBIOS) 445 (SMB)
Allowed ports for direct access: 21 (FTP) 25 (SMTP) 53 (DNS) 110 (POP) 143 (IMAP) 161 (SNMP) 443 (HTTPS) 465 (SMTP SSL) 585 (Secure IMAP) 587 (Auth SMTP) 993 (IMAP SSL) 995 (POP SSL) 5060 (SIP)
TCP downlink bandwidth (kbps): 1708 Good
TCP uplink bandwidth (kbps): 117 Good