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3rd day in a row Androidforums has downtime


Android Expert
Is the site about to fall over & die?

Briskoda.net (where I moderate) had similar issues, and ended up dying and being offline for 3 weeks! :eek:
Fall over and die? HA!

More like recharging our super powers to dump an Android meteorite on the mobile world!

To be honest, the traffic surge has been awesome but terribly detrimental to our servers. They can't handle your Android hunger. We're getting AndroidForums and Phandroid each their own server... and a 3rd dedicated server for a project that you'll love... and we're HOPEFULLY launching next week.

But we all know the deal with delays. PLEASE be patient and stay tuned. I promise it'll be worth it.
As long as the project involves Androids, T&A or 'adult candy' I am down! :P

Congrats on getting this place so big that you actually have to separate out the forums from the Phandroid site(s)...that is no mean accomplishment.

Also - is it just a coincidence that this and the UD/BD/DF fallout occurred at the same time?
... and a 3rd dedicated server for a project that you'll love... and we're HOPEFULLY launching next week...

Awww, don't do that to us. Pop back in here and drop a hint or two! You know we all want to know more now.... tease.
...and a 3rd dedicated server for a project that you'll love... and we're HOPEFULLY launching next week...
Ohh I think I know what it is!
You wana know what it is? Do ya? Do ya?
Well too bad! :p
Just kidding! Okay, here's a hint... ;)
Thanks for the reassurance Rob.

Was just worried as I say, as every VB site I know that starts getting DB errors eventually fell over royally.

Seems this was just a traffic overload. Phew :D
I own a vb site, as long as the head admin is active and aware of the situation there are no problems. Rob and his team are on top of things

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