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40 percent drop in 4 hours on ICS


Well-Known Member
ICS blows..... does anyone know if this fix that is coming out will really help the battery or not. I'm not even using my phone and its loosing 10 percent battery an hour... with gingerbread i could go a 14 hours and only loose 50 percent..... Way to go Sprint/Samsung.
Yes please let me know as well. I upgraded my phone and wife's phones to ICS and battery life is horrible. Also the battery meeter is playing games with us. One point it'll say 90%, then you surf the web a bit then it reads 54%, then you go and read some email or play a game and all of a sudden your getting the battery warning pop up. This all happens sometimes in less than an hour. We plug the phone in and all of a sudden its sitting at 75%. What the heck?!?!?!?!?!

I was experiencing this just yesterday while I was in a an android vs iphone debate and boy I was losing the argument fast.
I found two things that greatly helped with battery life. First is a Factory Reset, this helped a lot. The other was to go to WiFi->Advanced settings and check "Keep Wifi on during sleep" to "Only when plugged in". Otherwise, if you're connected to WiFi then your phone will drain quickly even when it's not in use.

I have a suspicion that there was a bug in the initial ICS release so that the "Never" choice for "Keep WFi on during sleep" was broken, and that's one of the things they've fixed in this new release. At least that seems to work better for me now.
I hear ya man. I'm afraid to even look at Facebook for over a minute because i'll loose 20 percent in battery just by doing so.
Already did a factory reset. Didn't help at all. Altho I checked my phone about an hour ago and it was at 70 percent and now its at 69 percent so maybe its getting better? ICS has been nothing but problems.... they either need to fix it fast or let us go back to gingerbread.
Has anyone else noticed the vibrate on the phone has gotten worse too since the ICS update. I personally think the update was put in place to ruin our phones.... how could they screw it up this bad?
already did a factory reset. Didn't help at all. Altho i checked my phone about an hour ago and it was at 70 percent and now its at 69 percent so maybe its getting better? Ics has been nothing but problems.... they either need to fix it fast or let us go back to gingerbread.

you can go back to gingerbread, just take your phone to a corporate sprint store and the can hook you up!
Considering how many of these phones have been sold, therefore how many are actually in circulation, I think the fractional amount of complaints that appear here on this forum are mainly due to 1) cockpit error and 2) faulty phones...as in exceptions to the rule.
I was having horrible battery life with the ICS update. So when the FH13 leak came out I tried that and was even worse. So I wiped the phone clean and put the stock FF18 with root and my battery is like the day I got the phone. My phone is 18 months old on the OG battery. Now I'm going all day without charging it. I'm usually around 40%-50% after 16 or so hours. Do the reset, there was so many changes from GB to ICS it needs a fresh start.
already did the reset... My andriod os is running at 75 percent when i'm not even using the phone. something is keeping android os awake but idk what.
Hey, try disabling the email app and exchange services app, in settings->applications->all. This did the trick for me, hope this helps.
I have read somewhere that disabling the exchange services app should help alot, and it did for me. If you are using the email app, then just disable the exchange services app, here is a picture to see where it is. It will be in alphabetical order as the disabled ones usually go to the bottom, and yours isn't disabled yet.

Hmm, that's odd. Did you follow every single step each time? If so, I have no other ideas. The original post mentioned that it might be time sensitive - you have to get all the steps done quickly or it might not work. Try doing them faster maybe?

Edit, here are the steps. Note the end of 5 for being "too slow":

1) Make sure phone is fully charged or is plugged into power (it's also is good to be on wi-fi)
2) Settings > Applications > All (tab at top)
3) scroll down and select Google Service Framework, Tap on Clear Data
4) go to system update and update PRL, then update Profile, then update android (aka Samsung Software).
5) if step 4 doesn't result in an update being applied, repeat steps 1 through 4. For some reason I sometimes have to do it twice before it works. It might be whatever step 3 is clearing gets "uncleared" if you're too slow -- not sure.
yep i've done it about 5 to 6 times and it doesn't do anything..... i'm getting about 16 hours out of a charge which isn't terrible but then again i'm barely using my phone. When i do use it a lot i'm getting about 9 hours.....
I have been wanting to take these stupid preloaded apps off of my phone since the day that I got it... And for some reason I had no idea that I could disable them. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention! :D I hope that it helps somewhat with my battery life. I use Gmail so I disabled the Email app.. We'll see how it goes!
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