Hi everyone. I'm excited to pick up a Galaxy Nexus at release, but I live in a 3g only area. I work in an area where even 3g is very weak. I live only about 60 miles west of the DC metro area, so I sometimes find myself in 4g land, but not often. Am I crazy to go for a 4g phone, when I will be on 3g only most of the time? It seems like all of the really great new phones on Verizon are 4g. I have a Droid 3 (hate - selling soon) and an Incredible 2 (like, but screen is too small), and I'm ready for an upgrade.
Will my 3g experience be worse or different on a 4g phone than on a 3g only phone? I've read posts about people having trouble with their 4g phone, not reliably picking up 3g. I'm thinking that maybe if I turn off 4g altogether, perhaps the phone will cooperate on 3g. Is this likely?
Will my 3g experience be worse or different on a 4g phone than on a 3g only phone? I've read posts about people having trouble with their 4g phone, not reliably picking up 3g. I'm thinking that maybe if I turn off 4g altogether, perhaps the phone will cooperate on 3g. Is this likely?