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Jan 28, 2012
My download speed is highly variable, based on the time of day, and who is hogging the band width. Seems lots of folks watch something until 11 pm each night that really sucks the data down?

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Saw the Verizon model demo'd today at a brick and mortar.... 15,000 kbps... definitely realize how slow and behind the times AT&T is with HDPSA+ technology.

I have both att and verizon.

Lte is great. We are fortunate to have LTE with both ATT and Verizon in orlando.

My friends Skyrocket pulls down over 30mbs on ATT.

My Verizon Galaxy Nexus pulls over 30mbs also.

So comparing apples to apples,speeds are the same.

However and this is key. When on Verizon 3G my Nexus defaults to CDMA and i usually averGe between 1-2mbs while skyrocket pulls over 5mbs consistently on att.

My iPhone 4s on att pulls over 5-6mbs as well.
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Hi everyone, this is my first post however I've been using this site for awhile now. My speed is 5.43 mbps, its Sunday afternoon 12:45 pm and I'm in Northeast PA. Usually average 1 to 6 mbps here. I'm coming from crappy Boost mobile (LG Marquee, horrible phone compared to galaxy S2) so I'm quite happy with the at&t's speed, service and everything thus far.
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I live out in the middle of nowhere, and my S2 says H+ which I used to think meant 4g... but then I read it was more like 3.5g.

Anyway when I first got my phone I was getting like 700 kilobytes to 1 megabyte per second (screw all this kilobit and megabit crap, when you download something, your speed gets rated in BYTES not bits. Only those speed tests do that)

But anyway, that lasted for a few days... but now I get a constant 40 kilobytes per second. I'm not sure if I'm getting throttled (because I'm on Straight Talk, which uses at&t towers) or what's going on.

but going from being able to download a megabyte in one second to now taking half a minute seems ridiculous.
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