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4g to nothing

I have had nothing but problems with my S5 since purchased. My phone goes from 4g to nothing. The only way to get it working again is turning it off the back on. Also times my phone can't receive or call out but can text. In first month verizon had me factory reset my phone 3 times, the got a new phone didn't work the new sim that didn't solve it, then new phone number, still having problems the other day they said I only had 6 % storage left and my phone wouldn't work so I had to factory reset again. Still my service goes from 4g sometimes to 3 g then nothing or it will go from 4g to no service. Can anyone please help me as I own a cleaning company and have lost customers due to phone not working.
Where do you keep this phone on your person while working? what kind of things can impede it being able to get a clear reception path to the cell tower? Your work environment conditions? are you inside buildings with a LOT of metal mass, or concrete walls that have a lot of rebar in them? ( creates a Faraday Shield blocking reception )

Reason I ask is, I keep mine in my shirt pocket and it works just fine UNTIL I relax in a chair, and cross my arms over the phone. Then the signal drops and I loose the caller. Has happened to me so many times, it is a given.

cover the phone up with a lot of human mass, and it won't receive/transmit worth a darn.

If I read this correctly, you have done the following already, please verify:

  • Phone has been replaced
  • SIM card has been replaced
  • You are NOT adding a lot of apps to it? Please leave it stock until problems are resolved.

Turning the phone off allows the radio in it to come up fresh and start searching for service again. Once a radio locks onto a cell tower signal, even though it is weak, it will stay with that one signal until it drops then it switches to the next best signal it can find. You can accomplish the same thing faster by placing the phone in a gallon bucket, closing the lid, and removing it again. Or in a metal toolbox, same idea. Totally block the cell site signals. This forces the radio to start searching for new/strongest cell signals.

Being a retired communications person with 50 years experience, your problems to me sound like they are induced by the phone's environment.

EDIT: the fact that you say you can TEXT just verifies to me that you are experiencing RECEPTION PROBLEMS, not hardware problems. I get the same exact situation in poor signal areas, and I have a lot of those here in my rural area.

When you go into a VZW retail store, are you getting a good 4g signal in that area around the store? I am thinking you probably will.
Where do you keep this phone on your person while working? what kind of things can impede it being able to get a clear reception path to the cell tower? Your work environment conditions? are you inside buildings with a LOT of metal mass, or concrete walls that have a lot of rebar in them? ( creates a Faraday Shield blocking reception )

Reason I ask is, I keep mine in my shirt pocket and it works just fine UNTIL I relax in a chair, and cross my arms over the phone. Then the signal drops and I loose the caller. Has happened to me so many times, it is a given.

cover the phone up with a lot of human mass, and it won't receive/transmit worth a darn.

If I read this correctly, you have done the following already, please verify:

  • Phone has been replaced
  • SIM card has been replaced
  • You are NOT adding a lot of apps to it? Please leave it stock until problems are resolved.

Turning the phone off allows the radio in it to come up fresh and start searching for service again. Once a radio locks onto a cell tower signal, even though it is weak, it will stay with that one signal until it drops then it switches to the next best signal it can find. You can accomplish the same thing faster by placing the phone in a gallon bucket, closing the lid, and removing it again. Or in a metal toolbox, same idea. Totally block the cell site signals. This forces the radio to start searching for new/strongest cell signals.

Being a retired communications person with 50 years experience, your problems to me sound like they are induced by the phone's environment.

EDIT: the fact that you say you can TEXT just verifies to me that you are experiencing RECEPTION PROBLEMS, not hardware problems. I get the same exact situation in poor signal areas, and I have a lot of those here in my rural area.

When you go into a VZW retail store, are you getting a good 4g signal in that area around the store? I am thinking you probably will.
Usually my phone is in my back pocker unless I'm sitting then it is resting on my thigh. I clean for a living so I'm in and put of different houses. None metal roof. This happens all the time I can be sitting on my bed and it goes 4g, to 3g to 1x then x for no reason or I could be sitting at a red light. Yesterday alone with in 30 mins remind u this is leaving it off for 5 mins it went from 4g to no service . I've had verizon check the towers and they say fine it's the phone. One tech person said it was cause there was only 6% storage in my phone.
So I factory reset. Then I put a different SD card and didn't download nothing and didn't add my Gmail used my yahoo. And it still does it. This is the second one like this. First was WiFi problems then now Internet, receiving or calling problems. Happens in Texas Arkansas and Oklahoma
I live in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, and I travel to Arkansas a lot along US-412 and other routes, I-40.....
I ride a motorcycle and I go off the main roads a lot, and can find a lot of places the cell towers don't reach.

but, I will make a comment on "back pocket". You could not find a worse place to keep your phone.
When you sit on it, you are creating the "Faraday Shield" that blocks the cell towers.
That is one of the reasons I carry my phone in my shirt pockets. It keeps the phone up higher, and usually in a good clean environment.


When I am in my home, I can usually get a 4g signal, but usually it is only 1 bar...
then it slips to 3g and 4 or 5 bars... sometimes, I only see 1x....

the areas we use our cellphones in are anything but friendly to radio reception.
While typing this, I am watching my S5 showing 4g and the bars are floating up/dn from 0 to 3...

I can be sitting on my bed and it goes 4g, to 3g to 1x then x for no reason

Actually, there is a reason, you just aren't aware of what it is...
when that happens, you are in an area that does not have a good line of sight to the cell tower(s).
a cell tower might get loaded up with too many conversations and your phone is not in use at the time, so it gets shuttled off to a different tower which is weaker, but still adequate to keep the phone in service to receive a call.

Once you connect, the phone will then attempt to get the best signal it can, and it will switch w/o you even knowing it happened. This technology is highly complex, and we cannot just say that "I am sitting in the same place, all the time, and it should never deviate from 4g".... sorry, but that just is NOT the case.

Things happen.
An airplane flies between you and the tower, you loose the signal just for an instant, and the phone senses that and switches to a new tower.... it will stay there until there is a reason for it to switch again. That reason might be you moving around in the room, someone else moving about the house, or it might be the cell tower "service loads" exceeding its' ability to keep your phone connected to "that tower"...

You say you have had two different phones now, and the SIM card has been changed....
that to me, as a life long Communications Person, tells me, you are in a poor signal area....
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