Android Enthusiast
Been having lengthy discussions with a guy from at&t.. I will post some of his insane comments below
A couple of thoughts on this. Sprint doesn't offer 4G, they may market a 4G offering, but WiMax is not 4G, nor is it even close. That's like saying my iPhone is
4G when connected to a wi-fi access point.
Furthermore, as I've stated before, Verizon offering a 4G network with no LTE devices on the market means nothing.
AT&T is a GSM carrier, as such we can deploy HSPA 7.2 as a bridge to LTE, Verizon has no bridge so they have to rollout LTE earlier, but with no device portfolio to support it.
The real race is in emerging devices, in this race the score is >1M in Q4 09 for AT&T, zero for Verizon. Since the inception of the "connected device" battlefield its AT&T >8M and Verizon zero. The AT&T network gets has a bad reputation, but why is it Kindle and iPad run on AT&T and not Verizon? What about Nook, Garmin, Tom Tom? Throw in the Vizit pictue frame, the pet tracking dog collar, the pill bottles that alert doctors when patients are missing their medication intervals. There are a hundred more coming and fast, and all of them are choosing AT&T and each such connection counts as a subscriber. So if the network sucks so bad, and if the VZ flavor of LTE is to be superior, why is every single emerging device manufacturer selecting AT&T? I'd guess AT&T will overtake Verizon in subscribers by the end of this year.
I won't even talk about the flawed FiOS buildout which cost 10 times more than the Uverse buildout which is kicking the hell out of FiOS. Nor will I mention the fact that Verizon recently fired the adertising agency that rolled out the "There's a map for that" campaign. Things are falling apart at VZ HQ, poor leadership.
VZ has a good voice network, but data is the future and their data network simply can't attract customers.
Actually no, we are the best positioned company to bring these products to market today thanks to forward thinking and critical partnerships forged in late 2008. Just take a look at the upcoming FierceWireless covention, who is missing?
By the way Glenn Lurie is one of the smartest people alive and he doesn't lose. One of the few non-Oklahomans at the officer level in AT&T.
Damn, I get paid to think about this all day and now I'm still talking it up when off work...what is that called? Oh yeah, pride.