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A law from 45 years ago is stopping self-driving cars from happening in New York

A New York law from 1971 requires that at least one hand be on the steering wheel at all times while driving.

New York Senate Transportation Committee Chairman Joseph Robach is trying to change said law, but he's being met with some resistance from law makers who feel the technology isn't quite ready yet.
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Couldn't we find a loophole and have a graphic of a hand on the steering wheel? There has to be ways around the law. I don't know New York law, but I'm sure there's a way to get around it. Legislators are always too busy if said technology or advances do not benefit them. I'm sure they want to know how self-driving cars will deepen their pockets before there are any interests in changing the law to allow society to conform to the technology.
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I can't see self driving cars in New York city, All I see is lawsuits up the waozoo from people trying to make a quick buck from accidents implementing a software issues in the self-driving computing after they themselves jumped in front of the car or caused it because they knew it was a self driving vehicle. But I can see it being used on open highways where there little to none pedestrians crossing the streets.
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