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About the gallery/ photo album sequence

Hello. I am a long term iOS user but I think it's about time to switch to Android now. But I have one big problem that no one seems to care about...

In iOS gallery app, the newest photo is on the bottom right corner. I like it very much because when I send pictures to other people via Whatsapp, I can easily reach the recent photos on the bottom part of the screen.
I just do not get why Android's approach is different and put the newest picture on the top left corner... It just doesn't make any sense to me. When we are writing or typing, our words go from top left to bottom right. Why the photo sequence is not in this way? What is the philosophy behind Android's photo sequence? Can I change the photo sequence on Android devices?? Plus, the newest photo on the top left corner is most difficult part of the screen to reach! So I do not understand why Android does that.

I have tried to google some passages or videos about this topic. But I cannot find any. It seems that I am the only one on the world that cares about the photo sequence... Other people be like 'What? Does the sequence really matter? I don't care. I will take any sequence.'

Actually I have wondered this for many years, back in the era of iPhone 4. Actually my first phone was an Android and I already found the sequence strange to me back in the old days.

Thanks if anyone can let me know the philosophy behind this sequence arrangement.
PitCarver hit the nail on the head. Android seems to place the photos in the correct order to me. Do keep in mind it is what I'm accustomed to. The beauty of Android is you have many options and as suggested, another album option might be more to your liking.
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