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Add someone using phone number

Hello everyone, I have a question about adding someone using their phone number. For example, if I have their number in my contacts and I add them using my second account on same phone (1st account has my phone number linked while the 2nd that I use to add them doesn't). Will they see that I added them through contacts or now?
Struggling to understand that one. :thinking:

Do you have a second sim on that phone, or a second Google account where you switch to the second account as a different user. (now I'm struggling to understand myself)

Has their phone number always been in one Google Contacts app associated with your primary account.

Someone can help you from there.
"Will they see that I added them...?". No, when you add a contact to any account that person is not notified that you have done so. So they will only "see that you added them" if you contact them, and they'll only see what account you added them to if you give your phone to them and let them look through it.
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