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Airplane adventures

Have You Ever Flown On A Plane?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Too many times to count

    Votes: 7 70.0%

  • Total voters
I'm in the too many to count category. One flight stands out. I was returning from Minneapolis (I can't remember if I was flying into Hartford, Providence, or Boston as those three are pretty much interchangeable for me) and had a connection through Cleveland. While we were taxiing for takeoff in Cleveland we did the typical enter the runway, get to the center and turn along the runway. It was at this point the engines shot to full. Not the typical, gradual advance to takeoff throttle, but slammed to full and throw you back in your seat. We shot a bit down the runway (it could have been 100' or 500, you kind of lose perspective) then took a hard 90 degree left turn off the runway just as another airplane touched down where we were moments before.:eek: And like nothing happened we reentered the runway and took off.


I recently read and viewed of a tired Air Canada crew on approach to San Fran at night querying if there were any flights still on the Right runway (say 22R). Atc said no its all yours. 5 or 6 heavy jets were lined up facing that threshold on the adjacent parallel taxiway to the right of 22R.
The lead plane casually said hes coming for us the controller casually said Air Canada Go Around, and it apparently missed the tail of one by less than ten feet after investigation.

Biggest air accident never to happen.
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While in middle school, my buddy and I saved up our money and flew from Kansas to Dallas on a 707. I think the round trip cost was $80 or so. (don't really remember) We stayed with his cousin and spent the entire week hanging out at Six Flags. Both the flight and the Big D were a big adventure for a couple of Kansas kids.

In high school, one of my buddies took ground school and then certified to solo. He and I would pool our money and rent a single engine Beechcraft and fly so that he could log his hours and we could have fun. We flew out of a little, private strip in the country. I got to fly some but naturally never attempted a takeoff or landing. Such a fun feeling to really fly. He went on to fly professionally for law enforcement, flying inspection on power lines, eagle nesting research, parachute pilot, and has been a flight instructor for many decades. Countless pilots earned their certs under his guidance. I've flown with him on a few occasions in last couple of decades... talk about an accomplished pilot.. just WoW. However, I well remember those first flights that were always pretty darn exciting. :) "Those trees are getting pretty close aren't they" :)

Four of my close buddies ended up with pilot licenses. One flew commercial airlines out of Denver for decades. The others, besides the buddy mentioned above, flew recreational.
I was the one out of the group that never pursued a license. I was too poor and my time was spent supporting my family. Bummer

My father flew a P-51 Mustang during WWII. He always said that flying was only second to sex in his book. He never flew after the war. Too many bad memories I suspect.
While in middle school, my buddy and I saved up our money and flew from Kansas to Dallas on a 707. I think the round trip cost was $80 or so. (don't really remember) We stayed with his cousin and spent the entire week hanging out at Six Flags. Both the flight and the Big D were a big adventure for a couple of Kansas kids.

In high school, one of my buddies took ground school and then certified to solo. He and I would pool our money and rent a single engine Beechcraft and fly so that he could log his hours and we could have fun. We flew out of a little, private strip in the country. I got to fly some but naturally never attempted a takeoff or landing. Such a fun feeling to really fly. He went on to fly professionally for law enforcement, flying inspection on power lines, eagle nesting research, parachute pilot, and has been a flight instructor for many decades. Countless pilots earned their certs under his guidance. I've flown with him on a few occasions in last couple of decades... talk about an accomplished pilot.. just WoW. However, I well remember those first flights that were always pretty darn exciting. :) "Those trees are getting pretty close aren't they" :)

Four of my close buddies ended up with pilot licenses. One flew commercial airlines out of Denver for decades. The others, besides the buddy mentioned above, flew recreational.
I was the one out of the group that never pursued a license. I was too poor and my time was spent supporting my family. Bummer

My father flew a P-51 Mustang during WWII. He always said that flying was only second to sex in his book. He never flew after the war. Too many bad memories I suspect.

So many great connections! Amazing.
My first flight was Kindergarten, selling cookbooks of where we as a class, would come up with a recipe on top of our head, without google, I was a member of the local 4-H club, which is essential in everyday activity throughout sewing, to arts and crafts, cooking, et all. So I conjured up Apple Cake, the target goal was around 50,000 (Maybe around 300 per person.)dollars for first-class, so it was leaning on business attire without being a messy statement of it, and we had plenty of fun writing inside in each book, as I believe like a blue and white cloth pattern for the book and multi-colored pad for each of our cooking mixtures (I still cannot believe that is still lodged in my head even as I type this up.) It had like a metallic fixture with a jigsaw edge on one end, and the other was like three circles. So we went around town, it still is a higher class society town around the area. The point is that we made enough money for a van trip to the airport and back for our big trip to Disney land, drunk out of a champagne esque glass cup with my ears were completely horrible due to the jet lag, so I just breathing in the sights. Believed that was a small jet line, maybe carried around 500 passengers of all shapes and colors.

We had our anniversary of the trip at a local pizza joint around eight years ago, I think today is the day of it on a dime, we went in winter, which to be honest was just a blizzard comparison of today. That was the first trip down to Florida, then there were so many due to my grandmother down there, as we grow older time just changes up for everyone, we had a student passed around a few years ago or so.. Last one I think was around a few years ago or so ago.. Anywho that was my first time on the airplane, was probably four or so. Got along with different type of various people with handicap ablities and multi colored faces too.
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