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Help Alarm clock woes


Android Expert
Hi my alarm clock sometimes at random doesn't go off or even try to it's the standsrd alarm phone is stock and unbranded any ideas?

Cheers john..
Worth a try for sure but what happens when it gets full again ? Alarm clock is too important for this to happen its maybe really the most important app on the phone given it can be life changing if someone gets the sack for being late etc

It's not just the s9 either as I had this now and then on my s7 also and never got to the bottom of it maybe another app interfering but it's not prevelant enough to start removing apps on test as I don't have any apps on the s9 that I don't need for lengthy periods.
Could be a bug that Samsung needs to fix with an update? I've never had any problems with the alarms not going off myself, including Samsung Note7 and S7.
No problems with Note 4, Note 7 ( :( ), S7, and now S9. You must have another app that's interfering since it's happening across phones.

You say it's not prevalent enough to troubleshoot by removing app, but asked for help and expressed being upset that it's not working consistently. If it's that important, it needs to be addressed. You can try Safe Mode to see if it's impacted by a 3rd party apps. Thing is, you'll have to delete those apps systematically to find which one is the cause. There's no easy out here.

Start with the basics:
- Do you happen to notice it on certain days or schedules? Perhaps there's a software conflict at those point.
- Did you restore from a backup when you setup the S9, or did you skip that part (setup as new)? Since it's happened across phones, it's possible a glitch carried over from the S7.
- Safe Mode, as suggested above.

If all else fails, use Smart Switch PC to backup all your personal data (no apps, settings, or other misc data), then factory reset without automatic restore enabled. During setup, skip the option to restore from a backup. Test. If all ok, restore from the Smart Switch backup (again- personal data only, no apps, settings, or other misc data).

Good luck.
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