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Help All Media playback pauses


Feb 27, 2013
For the past two months or so, I've had an issue with all Media (Netflix, YouTube, Google Music, stock media player) pausing sporadically. It's not the same as the fade in/out of a notification. I could be watching a video in Chrome, or YouTube app, listening to music that's saved on the phone or my SD card as well as streaming services and they all pause. Sometimes it resumes 20-30 seconds later and other times I have to hit play again.

I've uninstalled, updated, restarted, everything *I* could think of. Hoping someone knows what's going on.

The only thing I may be able to connect is there was a software update a few months back that possibly coincides with the issue starting. But, I have no idea. Lol

Hope there's a solution out there.


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