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Am I missing something? The Droid branding...

Its actually really annoying. VZW seems to be calling everything that runs Android a Droid, which gets really confusing as there's a phone that has the model name of DROID.

It's possible I've overlooked something, but where other than the commercials is this phone called a "Droid" Incredible? I didn't see the word Droid on the box anywhere, or on the phone anywhere.

Seems like a strange branding campaign.
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iPhone has three (that I know of) different types of the same phone.

Blackberry has a bajillionty different types of phones.

Think of this branding like that, this is Verizon's way of labeling their Android line, right now. With as much money as they had to fork over just to use the Droid name for advertisement, I don't blame them.
Ah, that's making some sense. I wish they would at least call it Android, since as somebody else mentioned and we're all aware, there is a phone already with the actual name DROID.
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Ah, that's making some sense. I wish they would at least call it Android, since as somebody else mentioned and we're all aware, there is a phone already with the actual name DROID.

Droid is just Verizons name for that phone. To the rest of the world is it Milestone.
And I just checked Verizons site there is not the word droid on the Droid as well according to the pics.
It is also no different from the Eris.
And as I pointed out they licensed the name Droid and in order to call a phone Android they would have to lisence that name as well. And since that is the name of the OS it is running I am sure Google does not want the confusion.
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Ah, that's making some sense. I wish they would at least call it Android, since as somebody else mentioned and we're all aware, there is a phone already with the actual name DROID.

It's a marketing thing. Droid has a lot more behind the name. If you go up to an average joe and say "Droid" they are fairly likely to be thinking something along the lines of "Droid...like from Star Wars? R2D2?" but if you say android, you'll get " ?"

Sure, the name Android as googles OS for phones is starting to get around..but it can't even remotely compare to "Droid". So it's the clear and smart move for Verizon to go with Droid, and the way it ties to while differentiating from Android ( being as that IS where the word came from originally....yet is also distinct ) is just perfect.
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There is the Droid, Droid Eris, Droid Devour, Droid Incredible. They are differentiated enough, i think. But I know all those phone are google phones. I like it. The Droid name is cool too!

Actually the Devour isn't called the Droid Devour it is just Motorola Devour, maybe they didn't think it was good enough to carry the Droid name. IDK
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I think it helps differentiate between phones that are running android systems and phones that arent. For example, I'm not sure what phones (if any) over at ATT are running android... but I can pinpoint all the phones that are running on verizon that have android mainly because they have a marketing brand of "Droid...". It really helps the the product association as well. To the average joe, they may hear someone say "I love the android system", because of all the marketing and the association of "droid" with verizon, they will immediately assume the person is talking about the "Motorola Droid" or some variation...and then who has that product? Verizon... so boom, instant name recognition and vendor association.

Also, with all of the commercials, it makes the consumer feel all warm and fuzzy when they have a "Droid xyz". They see the commercials and associate "Droid" with the all powerful superphone that can do[es] everything. You can show average joe the bottom of the line "Droid this" and he would probably choose it over a Nokia or Motorola of the same or greater spec because they have associated "Droid" with "Droid Does"
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