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Android 1.5 Related Question :)


Just bought a LG in touch max running 1.5, is there any way to update this phone yet? Or have i gotta keep this firmware for now :/ any help? :) thanks, ferno
If you rooted your phone then you should have had to flash a different rom onto your phone.

Did you do that?

I have only done this:
  1. Download the Superuser Whitelist (http://koushikdutta.blurryfox.com/Superuser/Superuser.zip) and unzip it somewhere safe such as c:\SDK\tools\
  2. On the GW620 dial "3845#*620#" to get in to the secret menu
  3. Tap "Module Test" then tap "Stability Test" then tap "Enable Root Permission"
  4. Open a Command Prompt on Windows by pressing Windows Key + R, then type "cmd" in the empty field. Note, you should also run this with Administrator rights. Linux users can use Terminal.
Navigate to your installed Android SDK (ie: "cd c:\SDK\tools\").Type "adb shell"
  1. You should get a #. If you get a $ then something didn't work. Shutdown the phone and PC and try again. If you get a # then all is well. Type "exit" to return to your PCs command prompt.
  2. Type "adb remount" to remount the GW620's file system as read-write so we can make changes.
  3. Type "adb shell cat /system/xbin/su > /system/xbin/su.original" [Note: This step may give you a "could not find path" error. Just continue on with step 5 and the root will still work.]
  4. Type "adb push bin/su /system/xbin/su"
  5. Type "adb push bin/su /system/bin/su"
  6. Type "adb shell chmod 4755 /system/xbin/su"
  7. Type "adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su"
  8. Type "adb install bin/Superuser.apk"
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