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Android 2.0 On Motorola Droid


Well-Known Member
BGR just got pic of Android 2.0. Enjoy!
Android 2.0 screenshot walkthrough

We hope you Android lovers out there are sitting down, because we
Absolutely loving the look and feel of it, and wonder what HTC would do with their own Sense UI to interegrate it. The Voice Commands bar looks especially useful.

Can't wait, people are saying early next year right?

This makes the Android Version a lot more usefull than it is now, although I am not sure we if we will need to trash our phones or not. More functionality needs better hardware platforms too and not just a software update. Microsoft teaches us what to do with our PCs for every new Windows version.
nothing i'm seeing here requires better hardware than already exists on all the latest handsets (Hero, Cliq etc.). I guess at some point they may decide to take a jump in system requirements, but not until the platform has properly established itself, i.e. at least 18 -24 months away I suspect.
Alright my fellow Android lovers this is a biggie! We’re all dying to know what Android 2.0 is all about and BGR has done it again – publishing a MONSTER article that shows off Android 2.0 in great detail. I’ll summarize the high points but you’ll definitely want to check out the BGR for [...]

nothing i'm seeing here requires better hardware than already exists on all the latest handsets..."
I think the G1 will suffer due to its limited RAM.
Asides from that it should be fine if most people don't multitask too much with their 528mhz processors.
The first of the Maps screenshots shows the familiar [-|+] zoom buttons. Does this mean we won't see (even faked) multitouch in 2.0? I hope not. Two-finger tapping for one-way zooming just seems like a half-hearted effort.

Their gripe about lacking locking interval is easily fixed in 1.5 with Autolock, and I'm sure that will just go on working on 1.6 and 2.0. I've mine set to 4 hours which is excellent.

It will be very interesting to see how many of the existing devices will be updated, and which will be 'left behind'.
I really hope 2.0 will be available on the G1.

I would have hoped the G1 would be capable of supporting all updates for at least the duration of the 2-year contract.
wait so this isnt an update? but come's with anew phone? :confused:

The Droid comes with Android 2.0 Eclair. The early release of it on this phone is due to heavy collaboration between Motorola, Verizon, and Google.

I suspect it will be a few months before other phones have Android 2.0.
The Droid comes with Android 2.0 Eclair. The early release of it on this phone is due to heavy collaboration between Motorola, Verizon, and Google.

I suspect it will be a few months before other phones have Android 2.0.

I was told by the Verizon Manager in my town store when I went in to purchase my Eris that the update 2.0 would be Dec. 11th....not too long of a wait.
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