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****Android 2.2 to get full Flash support****


Android Enthusiast
Google gives the finger to Apple by building support for Flash video into Android 2.2 ‘Froyo’, due to debut next month.

Flash is coming to Android smartphones, with support for the Web video format to be baked into the forthcoming Android OS 2.2 update.

Google’s mobility guru Andy Rub confirmed the move in an interview with The New York Times, which goes beyond Google’s previously nebulous comments that Android and Flash would meet at some point in the future.

That future now looks to be next month, when Google will preview Android 2.2 – codenamed Froyo, after the US brand of frozen yoghurt (in keeping with naming of each revision of Android for a sweet treat or desert) – at its developer confab in San Francisco.

Android already supports HTML5, Apple’s preferred alternative to Flash, in the current 2.x release.

But Android’s ability to play the widespread Flash format, which extends from online video clips to a key component of many Web sites and of course advertisements, will be crucial as the OS moves from smartphones onto slates, set-top boxes and other consumer devices.

Owners of the HTC Desire are already a step ahead, as HTC wove Flash support into Android’s open source code. Adobe is also working on a Flash player app for Android, with a beta version expected to be released later this month.

The app will allow users to access Web sites which rely on Flash for navigation as well as watch streaming video using the popular format.

However, Adobe says the player will be available only for smartphones running Android 2.1 or later – many of which will also be upgradeable to 2.2, making Adobe’s Flash app a stop-gap measure until fans start flashing their phones with Froyo firmware.

Man that's old news! There are a couple of threads discussing this already. Plus, I think Flash is way over rated.
I read an article that private beta underway now and a public android beta Omaha 18-19 to coincide with Google I/o confetfetence with full mobile release next month
[QUOT I think Flash is way over rated.[/QUOTE]

People need to stop listening to steve ahole jobs.I what flash thats why i sold my iphone 3gs and won't buy a ipad.
15 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! till Google Development Conference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wished i was invited :(
Plus, I think Flash is way over rated.

I agree, not having Flash hasn't really hindered my N1 experience all that much. Will it be nice to have in android's toolbox? Sure. Would I prefer to have it rather then not have it? Sure. The news that Flash is coming is welcomed but not that big of a deal.
I can't count how many sites I see that stupid little box on, or a prompt to dl the latest flash... if you find no use for flash, you have no use for a smartphone.
@ SnotF, well the sites that I go on usually don't require flash. I only experienced the stupid little cube was when I visited some online store sites. I find other use for my Nexus that I wouldn't be able to do on a dumb phone. I don't need to use everything that a smart phone has to offer to consider that the phone is useful. Also using flash for gaming, for some reason I imagine that the apk game files will be quite big...

Only reason why I'd care that we have Adobe on our phone is because it gives us options. For those who don't want it, they don't have to install the app (or uninstall it if it comes with 2.2)

Interesting news I read in the paper on my train ride to work today. But Adobe has requested the US goverment to launch an antitrust probe on Apple.

U.S. to open antitrust probe of Apple - thestar.com
I can't count how many sites I see that stupid little box on, or a prompt to dl the latest flash... if you find no use for flash, you have no use for a smartphone.

Now that is bold statement! I guess checking my email, listening to my music, surfing the nurmerous websites that don't use flash aren't valid reasons to own a smart phone. I know about 33 million iphone users who would disagree with that statement.
I don't care that much about flash game i just want embedded video to work.And do you know how many iphone user complain about not having flash answer many.
Now that is bold statement! I know about 33 million iphone users who would disagree with that statement.

iPhone users don't count as real people. They are more like sheep without real opinions to disagree even if they wanted to. Send em' to a slaughterhouse and no one would care. ;)
iPhone users don't count as real people. They are more like sheep without real opinions to disagree even if they wanted to. Send em' to a slaughterhouse and no one would care. ;)

Well not those that left Apple for a greener meadow ;)
I for one cant wait to have flash, i browse alot of internet forums. Imbeded video is going to be a HUGE thing for me. I cant wait!!!
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