Uber geeks don't need silly 'cleaners' and 'defragging' garbage--because we don't use windows!
You window$ people would do well to lose the mindset you're in from the
horribly designed, garbage-filled 'operating system' you're used to, and start thinking like Linux users.
does not need any 'cleaner' apps. Period. It's Linux, not windows, therefore it handles things like disk management
Those silly, unnecessary apps' developers know damn well--and are
capitalizing on--how windows users are accustomed to thinking. Stop! There's not a
single thing those apps can do that you can't do yourself with Android's built-in tools--if you're so inclined. Better to just let Android do its thing--which it does really well.
There's nothing wrong with occasionally deleting large cache files, or moving photos off your device, to free up space, but lose the windows mindset...
What you speak is true, especially for the newer android OS.
But the older ones were actually terrible at their job, often a device would get up to 3GB of junk accumulated in a short while.
Although the vast majority of cleaner apps are junk- in the same category as defraggers, battery boosters, memory expanders, etc. Systweak seems to be the best option for a few reasons.
First, the version I use has no ads. If this one is compatible with the user's OS, then that is a great plus.
Second, android OS 8+ does not have a built in cache cleaner, and generally will not allow third party apps to clean app caches either. This makes for a very tedious task of doing it manually- app by app. Pretty ridiculous compared to my 7.1.1 with the built in function.
Third, the cleaner app I use also has a duplicate finder. I realize that this may not interest some, but it has been a great help for me.
Fourth, and finally, the 'Game Launcher' function is useful on devices with low RAM. It will shut down unnecessary running apps while launching a desired app.
I find that I can use this feature to speed up the launch of larger apps (not just games) on a device that might normally freeze up when attempting to do so while other apps are running.
All of these features inside of an app of less than 30MB are pretty impressive.
I am aware of the OCD effect of cleaner apps and the like.
That is why I only clean my device once a week.
Sometimes I find that there is almost 1GB of crap to get rid of.
This is pretty strange if my OS is supposed to be doing its job- There is only 2GB RAM total and I leave about 2½-3GB of memory open.
So after about a week or so my device will fill up to the point where it begins to crash at inopportune times, and in extreme cases gives me a 'memory useage' warning.
Now, if I was to use only the built in cache cleaner, this issue is fixed, for sure.
But it also deletes all my logins to all the sites I frequent.
This is very annoying.
The cleaner app that I use does not do this.
So between that and the other reasons I mentioned above, I use that one cleaner app because the OS is not really doing what it should.
Oh, and my 8.1.1?
No built in cache cleaner at all, on a 1GB device.
So I would need to go through each app individually and clear the cache one by one.
That is not an entertaining way to spend quite a while.
So I use the same app on that device as well.