By default, Wifi sleep policy is "Sleep on screen idle".
With this policy, is it possible for a Background Service at a later time to wake up Wifi using some API?
Am trying the following, but does not work:
When my Background Service wakes up, it calls "ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo()" to get active network.
Since, the wireless is off on idle, I tried waking it up using "WifiManager.startScan" on a previously used Wifi connection.
But still dont get Wifi connectivity.
Any ideas?
I preferably do not want to change my sleep policy to "Never".
By default, Wifi sleep policy is "Sleep on screen idle".
With this policy, is it possible for a Background Service at a later time to wake up Wifi using some API?
Am trying the following, but does not work:
When my Background Service wakes up, it calls "ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo()" to get active network.
Since, the wireless is off on idle, I tried waking it up using "WifiManager.startScan" on a previously used Wifi connection.
But still dont get Wifi connectivity.
Any ideas?
I preferably do not want to change my sleep policy to "Never".