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Help Android OS - 25%? (idle)


Android Enthusiast
Nov 28, 2011
Fellow, I've managed to get my Galaxy S the way I wanted, auto-disabling Wifi and mobile network automatically when idling, which saves up some good battery life.

After some tests today, I noticed that the battery is still draining a little more than I expected, and I noticed that Android OS is always in the top, even when idling.



Both these SCs were taken right after waking up the phone, after some idle time.

My phone is completely original. So, is there anything wrong, or that process does use that much battery?

Also, I'd like to know how long does it take for wifi to be turned off. (through Androi'd Wifi sleep policy)

Thanks in advance.
There's something wrong with my phone, definitely.

I left it idling for more or less 8 hours, and when I woke up...

Nothing wrong with your phone, it happens to my SGS sometimes, the only solution is to re-boot.

There are still rough corners around the Android and this battery issue is one of them. Probably this happens when you open and run some apps and you close them, may be some of them don't actually close at some times and this causes excessive battery drain.

Restart your phone and then check after few hours.
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So, I think overreacted a little bit.

By searching the net, I found a text by some geek that explained why that happens. It said more or less something like this: "that list shows what has been draning your battery. If you haven't used it, the only thing draning the battery was the OS itself, along with the cellular services. So, that's why the OS is always at the top when idling, because nothing else was ran in that period of time. If you start using something else, that percentage will decrease, and the app you're using will take its place, along with the display"

I left it idling for 8 hours straight, and it consumed 10% of my battery, I think that's more acceptable. I have an app that shuts down wifi after 1 minutes of screenlock, and it came with an app that only turns mobile network on each 30 minutes to refresh my apps. So that 10% came from turning the EDGE on 16 times throughout the night, not bad.

But I'll keep monitoring.
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"that list shows what has been draning your battery. If you haven't used it, the only thing draning the battery was the OS itself, along with the cellular services. So, that's why the OS is always at the top when idling, because nothing else was ran in that period of time. If you start using something else, that percentage will decrease, and the app you're using will take its place, along with the display"

I would disagree with this explanation because battery consumed while idle is shown separately as "Phone idle". If above explanation is correct, what is "Phone idle" then ?

Android OS is actually running apps, as far as I can understand.
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I would disagree with this explanation because battery consumed while idle is shown separately as "Phone idle". If above explanation is correct, what is "Phone idle" then ?

Android OS is actually running apps, as far as I can understand.
I haven't studied Android's OS yet, but that makes sense.

That list is an average, not instantaneous consumption. If your phone is idle, the only thing draning battery are the core services, such as the own OS and the phone services.
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