My SM-G928F shipped with 5.1.1 and the battery life was fantastic, then my carrier released 6.0.1 which i installed directly through the phone and that's where i started to experience severe battery drain, with the device lasting as little as 6 hours with minimal use!
Apparently the problem is due to the device being unable to go into deep sleep when not being used hence why the battery is draining so fast.
Having previously flashed both my S2 and S4 on numerous occasions i though that the flash process would have been straight forward, which it was, however i either experienced a bootloop or soft brick.
I decided to return to 5.1.1 however after doing some digging on XDA it was advised to install a 5.1.1 bootloader and then flash the older kernel, this unfortunately did not work, even after several attempts.
I eventually tried Chainfires autoroot which worked first time and i am now on 6.0.1 with a battery from yesterdays charge currently sitting at 17h 34m 10s with an estimated 8 hours left! Now it has to be said that i did not use the phone much yesterday, the occassional browser/whatsapp/messenger useage, but i'm very happy with that. Picture attached below.
Knox was tripped at some stage during the multiple attempts at flashing, but i am not concerned with that.
![Screenshot_20160519-091007[1].png Screenshot_20160519-091007[1].png](