Hello All,
I am a java novice and a android newbie. I am just wondering if you can nest XML based layouts with layouts specified in java code together. I would for sure think that it is possible but I cannot find any information about it and so far whatever I try does not work. This is some basic code that I have been working with so far:
LinearLayout mLinearLayout;
LinearLayout sLinearLayout;
private Button closebutton;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LinearLayout mLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) this.findViewById(R.layout.main);
this.closebutton = (Button) this.findViewById(R.id.button);
// Create a LinearLayout in which to add the ImageView
// Instantiate an ImageView and define its properties
ImageView i = new ImageView(this);
//Button button = (Button) findViewById(R.layout.main..);
i.setAdjustViewBounds(true); // set the ImageView bounds to match the Drawable's dimensions
i.setLayoutParams(new Gallery.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
// Add the ImageView to the layout and set the layout as the content view
// setContentView(mLinearLayout);
I have a linearlayout specified in XML but I would also like to nest it with another layout in the program using java code. Android can handle this, correct?
I am a java novice and a android newbie. I am just wondering if you can nest XML based layouts with layouts specified in java code together. I would for sure think that it is possible but I cannot find any information about it and so far whatever I try does not work. This is some basic code that I have been working with so far:
LinearLayout mLinearLayout;
LinearLayout sLinearLayout;
private Button closebutton;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LinearLayout mLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) this.findViewById(R.layout.main);
this.closebutton = (Button) this.findViewById(R.id.button);
// Create a LinearLayout in which to add the ImageView
// Instantiate an ImageView and define its properties
ImageView i = new ImageView(this);
//Button button = (Button) findViewById(R.layout.main..);
i.setAdjustViewBounds(true); // set the ImageView bounds to match the Drawable's dimensions
i.setLayoutParams(new Gallery.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
// Add the ImageView to the layout and set the layout as the content view
// setContentView(mLinearLayout);
I have a linearlayout specified in XML but I would also like to nest it with another layout in the program using java code. Android can handle this, correct?