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  1. Pozdrav
  2. Može mi neko objasniti zašto ova aplikacija nije kompatibilna sa Androidom 8


  • Screenshot_20190626-230555.jpg
    298.1 KB · Views: 41
English translation:

1. Hello
2. Can someone explain to me why this app is not compatible with Android 8

Welcome to Android Forums. We're a primarily English speaking community so if you would be so kinds as to use Google to translate before posting, it would be appreciated.


Dobro došli na Android Forum. Mi smo prvenstveno englesko-govorna zajednica, tako da ako biste bili toliko ljubazni da koristite Google za prevođenje pre objavljivanja, bilo bi dobrodošlo.

To answer your question .... I can't make out the name of the app. Can you translate it for us?
It's definitely a Google app. But I don't recognise it, and I can't read Bosnian.

Suggest the OP posts the Play Store URL to it, and whatever it is devices it's apparently incompatible with.
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