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Andy the Android, Minecraft style


Android Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2010
So we all love our little Android mascot (most of us anyway :p) and a good chunk of the gaming community likes Minecraft as well, so thanks to a friend of mine we now have this;


I thought it was pretty awesome, despite a few setbacks (not being able to make actual curves in Minecraft) it still turned out really good. What do you guys think?

Note; I did not create this, I was in no way involved in the building of it. I simply suggested the idea to the person who made it, and all credit goes to Evolution who's name you can (quite clearly <.<) see in the screenshot.
I'll take some more screenshots later, and possibly make a video as well.
If anyone wants the save file just ask, I'll upload it if there seems to be enough interest.

Cheers guys


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