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Help Annoying GMail Notification


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2012
Gloucester City, NJ
Every morning, at approximately 5am, I get a notification of my GMAIL account that I have "X' number of messages. It must be something that's defaulted, because I've never set anything to happen at 5am. Where and how do I go about canceling or changing this? I really don't want that notification going off at 5am every morning. I have all of my other email accounts with "no-push" meaning, I have to manually query for new mail.
Smart actions is the solution I would recommend. You can also go into settings for gmail, and change notifications, string it up so there is no sound, just a status bar notification. I use smart actions and have a VIP list that will ring even on silent, but the rest of the planet gets the silent treatment, until I get to work. For work hours, I have a different VIP list.
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