Here's another adult nature style or realistically in a sense pg13 boot animation. Plain Pic Preview included in thread............ Get it Now click Here!
If you missed the other one you can see it here on Android Forums:18 + Adult Boot Animation
For some of my other non-adult animation work visit:here
After downloading, for users that are not already familiar with this you will need to make sure that you rename the boot animation when ready to use to the name exactly as I have it spelled there and I do believe that it is case sensitive.
Also, if you are a newly rooted user or are not sure how to replace this I recommend using root explorer - and then follow these steps:
1.Rename file to
2.Copy or Move File
3.Go to System/Media
4.Select Read/Write setting
5.Paste and click OK to overwrite(possibly copy this to another directory for a bakup before overwriting or you will lose the bootanimation already in your phone)
6.Long press to generate menu and select permissions
7.Select rw-r-r or use all permissions
8.Select Read/Only setting
9.Reboot and Enjoy
Another option is to:
put the, using terminal into data/local ...
typing command:
#cp /sdcard/ /data/local/
Keep the spaces it won't work without them also do not type the # symbols
# = superuser privileges
$ = no super user privileges
If anyone encounters any bugs, etc... or you just need a little more help on how to use these just post and I'll and I'm sure other users too, will be more than happy to do my/our best to correct any issues or assist in answering your questions.
I truly hope everyone enjoys and please consider donating (link at bottom) if you like my or LiQuID's
hard work as we are struggling and can barely make it right now. If you can't we understand too and enjoy bringing you more enjoyment with your phones, we just ask if you can spare anything to please consider trying to help out a family in need.
Thank You everyone for your continued support.
If you like my work and want to make a donation I would appreciate any generosity
Click here to DONATE
If you missed the other one you can see it here on Android Forums:18 + Adult Boot Animation
For some of my other non-adult animation work visit:here
After downloading, for users that are not already familiar with this you will need to make sure that you rename the boot animation when ready to use to the name exactly as I have it spelled there and I do believe that it is case sensitive.
Also, if you are a newly rooted user or are not sure how to replace this I recommend using root explorer - and then follow these steps:
1.Rename file to
2.Copy or Move File
3.Go to System/Media
4.Select Read/Write setting
5.Paste and click OK to overwrite(possibly copy this to another directory for a bakup before overwriting or you will lose the bootanimation already in your phone)
6.Long press to generate menu and select permissions
7.Select rw-r-r or use all permissions
8.Select Read/Only setting
9.Reboot and Enjoy
Another option is to:
put the, using terminal into data/local ...
typing command:
#cp /sdcard/ /data/local/
Keep the spaces it won't work without them also do not type the # symbols
# = superuser privileges
$ = no super user privileges
If anyone encounters any bugs, etc... or you just need a little more help on how to use these just post and I'll and I'm sure other users too, will be more than happy to do my/our best to correct any issues or assist in answering your questions.
I truly hope everyone enjoys and please consider donating (link at bottom) if you like my or LiQuID's
If you like my work and want to make a donation I would appreciate any generosity
Click here to DONATE