Linux is okay as a browser device, but it don't even come close to Windows for all of the applications most folks use...
I have it on my laptop, and trying to get used to it, but finally just said "forget about it", it is now just a browser device.
I do all of my serious work on Win7..... just too many years of records, apps, etc.... that don't have an equivalent, or easy to use replacement.....
One primary example is Quicken Checkbook.... there isn't anything close to it under Linux....
I will not use a Double Entry accounting program, the Linux boys have already tried to get me to do that.....
nope! Quicken dials into the banks I use, downloads everything, and puts it in the right Categories....
no muss, no fuss, just there for me to take a peek and see if everything is alright.
I tried "Wine" but it crapped out big time, won't load the Win apps at all.