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ROMs Anyone brave enough to tackle an overclocking script for the casio commadno?

Spike G

Android Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2011
Currently we have one user attempting to develop a kernel for the commando. we have no ROM's and nothing custom aside from GNM's recovery. There is limited to no dev support for this phone and we're all begging for some help in the root section. Many phones have overclocking scripts and since paxchristos is having slim luck getting his kernel to flash successfully, is anyone willing to help him with kernels and write a script allowing this 800 MHz Qualcomm S2 MSM7630, to overclock? This would be a huge help to get something up an running permanently. I'm running 2.2.1, most users are running 2.3.3. Any dev's up for a challenge, head on over to the Commando Root section and any files you need to make this a success, p.m. me, or anyone over there and we'd be happy to help.

Actually you need a custom kernel AND a script/app.

You cannot overclock a kernel that does not provision for higher mhz than standard. The kernel needs to be compiled with instruction for the frequency. It's the kernel which governs what frequency the CPU runs at, so the range or scope of the frequency is also controlled by the kernel.

All these scripts do is change the variables within the parameters set by the kernel.
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thanks for the input. i must have read some bad info on a couple sites claiming some scripts i've seen worked with stock kernels/roms.

[Q] Overclock - xda-developers
^and various others claiming sometimes you can get lucky and find hidden vaules for the processor in system files on some devices.

Aside from that, there are several people willing to pay for rom development for our phone but no dev's seem interested. Any help would be awesome
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It is possible that some stock kernels have capacity or hidden values that are not being used. Simply installing SetCPU or Antutu CPU Master should uncover that though.

Its not really a case of being interested or not. The problem is a Dev needs the phone to be able to develop for it. If no Devs have the phone, then thats that really.
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