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Anyone else had a worse start to their Friday?


Android Expert
(The following copy pasta from the UK Ford Escort owners forum and is a recount of my morning before I took my car in for its yearly service and MOT Test)

Ok guys welcome to the start of my wonderful day. Here's how it started......

7am arrives and it's time to leave work, I plod downstairs nervous yet excited to see how my car does in its MOT. Strap myself in the car turn the key and.. 'click 'click 'click!!!!!....quickly followed by "Ffffffuuuuuuuuuuu"!!!! Honestly it's like the blasted thing knew.

So que a quick call to my colleagues in the office who promptly arrived to bump start the car. A third helper waddled into the car park also to lend a hand rolling with laughter at the 2 of us gasping and panting pushing the car sluggishly around the car park. We eventually found a slope , the third helper lept in the seat and thank the lord the car booted into life.

So theres me and my workmates sweating and gasping for air for 5 minutes before I lept into the car and drove off home.

Upon arrival was thankfull that there was a parking space outside the house. I emptied the car (still with the engine running) changed my clothes and lept back in. Still an hour left till Kwik fit opened , what to do?
I know , Le tour de Southampton !!
1 hour later I pull up outside the garage, swollow hard and turn off the engine. Turn the key once more and she starts no problem. I thank the stars once more and step out into the garage office. Sign the paper work to make sure I pay as much as they can fleece from me and begin to walk the 3 miles home. Half way I phone the Mrs who very promptly reminded me to take out the car seat so her dad can put it in his Freelander when he comes to pick up the kids later. Hell yeah i'd totally forgotton, so after having my nuts verbally bruised I made my way back to the garage just in time before it went up on the lift. Retrieved the seat and plodded home. Abso F****** lutely shattered. Lets hope the result at the end of the day isn't to costly.

Incoming sausage sandwich.

(sorry for wall of text but if it helps other people to feel better about there day then its all for the good)
I woke up to my phone buzzing. My arch nemisis had played a word on WWF. I am behind on points and she may win this game. That means she has won three games out of our 10... What a bad start to the day.

Then just now my corn beef hash popped oil on my face while I was mixing it up in the pan.

Also; My wife told me I cannot buy a new hat. Also she said I cannot buy a new car until we buy a house. I really want a Golf R but there will be limited supply to the United States, so I will have to wait a few more years until I can get my hands on one. But, really a house is more important anyway...

WTF am I complaining about? Nothing.

Sorry about your day. Enjoy the sausage...

Locked myself out of the car and the house.

Stepped in dog crap getting back into the house.

Tracked said dog crap all over my car (and probably my house) before I realized it

This was all before 0800.
I woke up early to take my car in for inspection. Spilled coffee grounds all over the carpet and had to skip breakfast because i ran out of time. Walked my dogs (probably past A. Nonymous' house -- sorry, didn't have the scooper with me ;) ) Arrived late at work because the garage's emissions tester went haywire and they couldn't give me the sticker until it was working.
It's FRIDAY!!! :D So it's the weekend soon after~

Rudedawg, at least it wasn't raining/storming/hailing/blizarding when your car broke down ;)
Woke up, posted on here, ate some oatmeal, a sausage croissant, took my 10 vitamin pills, washed them down with Aloe Vera juice, sat down to watch the Daily Show tivoed, posted more in here about whether I want to get the Rezound, Razr, or wait for the Galaxy Nexus, workout in a few hours....Oh and dodge calls from my mother who wants me to visit because she's having family over....
It's FRIDAY!!! :D So it's the weekend soon after~

Rudedawg, at least it wasn't raining/storming/hailing/blizarding when your car broke down ;)

The car failed its test and is gonna cost a fortune. Think I shall be scrapping it. I could do with some rain right now. :(
What's an MOT test?

Anyways, my day. I drove to school. Attended all 8 classes plus lunch. I drove home, blasting some music to celebrate Veteran's day and my weekend. My car's stock stereo has good bass :)
Found out a close friend of mine passed away after a long and painful battle with cancer this morning. The car not starting? Not a biggie!
Found out a close friend of mine passed away after a long and painful battle with cancer this morning. The car not starting? Not a biggie!

Sorry to hear that Pasta. I guess putting things in perspective my problems pail dismally. But, I think at the end of the day if a problem is personal to you no matter how big or small ..its still a problem.

Thoughts with the family Pasta , seek comfort in the fact he/she is no longer in pain yet pray there family stay strong.

@Mada an MOT stands for Ministry of Transport and is a yearly test to make sure your vehicle is road safe according to UK law.
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