Nice! That's smart. How did you achieve that? Is there an option for this, I dont know about?! Or did you write a script or something?
On older versions of Kubuntu (my default Linux distro), there was a setting for that. I recently bought a new laptop (which came with Ubuntu 20.04 on it--I replaced that with Kubuntu 20.04), and immediately noticed its absence! A little digging led me to the solution: install
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics. Once that's installed, it adds a tab to the default mouse/trackball settings:
Configure it and you're done!
Thanks for the hint!
But I've never been a trackball-person. Although, to be fair, I've never put in the effort to get used to them.
Also, I prefer most of my peripherals wired. (Only exception is my headset)
You're welcome. I've been a trackball person for as long as I can remember. I just never felt comfortable using a mouse. In fact, I found it downright annoying/irritating! It seemed like I was constantly picking it up, moving it, banging it on the desk...
With the Logitech trackballs I've used, they're so comfortable...they just fit my hand really nicely. And there's no need to move them! They're just sitting there, waiting for my thumb to scroll their pretty blue balls.
As for wired vs wireless, when Logitech first announced that they were discontinuing the wired version of whichever model I was using back then, I raised a stink about it on their forum. I was very unhappy about it; I liked the...I don't know, security? reliability? of a wired connection, and doubted how well the wireless versions would work. Let's just say I stopped bitching
A LONG TIME AGO! They work fine. I've never had a single issue. The connector (that plugs in to a USB port) is very small and unobtrusive; it's never in the way or anything. Now, I can't even imagine going back to wired.