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Help Anyway to keep contact thumbnail beside each text message?

That's a bit odd, I haven't encountered that problem with my phone and not seen it highlighted on here as an issue. I do have the occasional failure to send but that tends to be when my signal drops.

I guess you could uninstall Handcent for a day or so and see if you still get the problem. There is another programme called Chomp SMS which is pretty similar to Handcent so if it is the source of the issue you could give Chomp a try. That said a reinstall of a third party app can help solve certain issues, so you could try reinstalling Handcent and see if the problem comes back.

If it still happens on the Stock app with no 3rd party apps on the phone I think it might be the old chestnut of re-flashing your software through Sony Ericsson Update Service or PC Companion, which is a bit of a pain as it will wipe your phone - make sure you have contacts/sms etc backed up. You will then have to 'build' your phone from scratch with google account and emails etc.
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