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Root AOKP Extreme Tether Abuse


Dec 20, 2014
Images below are self-explanatory... :)



So, I guess that answers the question of whether or not Metro PCS can track tether usage on a custom ROM like AOKP. They didn't throttle mine until I'd gone well over 300GB, and then only because lovely Windows 10 decided to use my tethered connection to share itself with the world.

Anyway, it was a fun month or so... :)

LOL! And as an FYI, when I called to complain about the throttling (yes, I'm that audacious), the tech on the line was flabbergasted by my usage numbers. He claimed I was easily in the top 5% of ALL Metro PCS customers in terms of bandwidth consumed.

And to think, I did almost all of the damage through the AOKP WiFi tether (though I did have help from my teenagers - e.g. one particular download of cracked Assassin's Creed apparently topped 36GB).

Regardless, I now wear my extreme consumption award with pride. Can't wait for the next billing cycle! :)

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For real, I'll admit I've been part of the problem in the past using tons of tethering data but as of right now I'm done with all that and I won't be helping anyone else do it. Our only hope to keep our unlimited data is to stop using hundreds of gigs a month tethering. I'd rather cut back on my data use than have metro/T-Mobile cap data use at a set number of gigs. It's time to shape up before T-Mobile and metro do what sprint, at&t, and Verizon have already done.
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Agree, take down post people. This stuff spreads and leads to fixes. Silence is key in regards to this subject.

But will say wish Cell companies would just offer unlimited tether/hotSpot. Charge me $20-30, heck even a little more and I would gladly pay it.

They go from charging for mins, then texts, and data, now hotspot? I wonder what's next smh. Give me everything $100 unlimited month!

P.S. Sorry for my rant and kinda off subject
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