Hi everybody.
I'm doing a post-grad project and want to develop an app to accompany it.
Data collection app.
10 questions with 5 possible numerical values as resonses. (Likert scale.) Example: Over the last 4 weeks how often....? Answers. None of the time (score 1) Some of the time (score 2) etc. Up to: All of the time (score 5)
Possible scores range from 10-50 post completion.
The app needs to accept an individual identifier of the respondent
(either name, or numeric value) that is saved over time. The results then need to be able to be exported to a ?Spreadsheet? or other? that can show a trend over time. Different scores bring words of encouragement or helpful hints for support or improvement.
At this point, the organization that I work for has shown interest and I think would be willing to invest in further, organization-specific developement after my project (and hopefully accompanying app for post-grad project) was complete. At that point, the coder (you!) can take over and bill services to them as you see fit. No gurantees here, but I'm cautiously optomistic that there will be financial opportunities for you.
Terms: I will pay in cash. I will own all concept, code etc.
A friend of mine has written a basic version, but he's gone as far as he can. Happy to correspond with anyone whose willing to give this a go.
Thanks for your help and looking forward to your reply.
Regards.... J
I'm doing a post-grad project and want to develop an app to accompany it.
Data collection app.
10 questions with 5 possible numerical values as resonses. (Likert scale.) Example: Over the last 4 weeks how often....? Answers. None of the time (score 1) Some of the time (score 2) etc. Up to: All of the time (score 5)
Possible scores range from 10-50 post completion.
The app needs to accept an individual identifier of the respondent
(either name, or numeric value) that is saved over time. The results then need to be able to be exported to a ?Spreadsheet? or other? that can show a trend over time. Different scores bring words of encouragement or helpful hints for support or improvement.
At this point, the organization that I work for has shown interest and I think would be willing to invest in further, organization-specific developement after my project (and hopefully accompanying app for post-grad project) was complete. At that point, the coder (you!) can take over and bill services to them as you see fit. No gurantees here, but I'm cautiously optomistic that there will be financial opportunities for you.
Terms: I will pay in cash. I will own all concept, code etc.
A friend of mine has written a basic version, but he's gone as far as he can. Happy to correspond with anyone whose willing to give this a go.
Thanks for your help and looking forward to your reply.
Regards.... J